HOW TO BREAK INTO A CAR WITH A TENNIS BALL Materials:Tennis Ball,Kniphe,a constant phlame Disclaimer:if you get in any sort of trouble arrested, sued etc. it's not my fault your dumbass got caught this is purley for inphormational purposes. Say you lock your keys in your car, you may get them doing this. Enjoy this simple text phile. Have you ever noticed the keyhole on the driver side door underneath the the handle?Ever noticed how you can push it down?Well here we go then my fellow anarchist. first off heat the kniphe till it can penatrate then tennis ball. After that ,penetrate the tennis ball to make a hole the size of the keyhole of the car your going to get your 'keys' phrom (wink wink).after that go 2 the car and line the whole on the tennis ball up with the keyhole and press phirmly.It may take a phew tries but it WILL open i tested this on cars with electric locks etc.It depends on the model of the of the car ,but sum will still sound the alarm. -The Anarchrist if you have questions then message me at thenamelessmaggot6 .