The Chimi Changas The Beginning of A Legend Chapter 1: The Awakening In a subtle, quiet little town called Hadenbrooks, there is a restaurant. It is the most popular restaurant around. People always say: "gMan, they got the best food" Or "gGosh, they have the most polite people working there" But one thing no one says is "gHey, in the basement of Chi Ch'fs, is the hideout of the super human group known as: The Chimi Changas." Increddie Eddie Super Josh Mighty Mike Dynamic Davis "Man, that Von der Hayden schmuck was one tough bastard."h says Dynamic Davi. "You said it. His shit shell was a real pain. I got shit in my mouth."h says Mighty Mike. "Yeah well, it looks like we were wrong. It seems Super Von der Hayden wasn't in connection with Madame Olga. So it was just a waste of time."h says Super Jos. "Yeah well, we sure could have used the practice Josh. We haven'ft fought anyone since...Shahirah" .says Increddie Eddie. Shahira. The former leader of the Spicy Circle, a group of super human terrorists who were also the arch enemies of the Chimis. She was also the reason that the Chimis had become a team. For when Shahira and the Spicy Circle became the most powerful criminal organization in Hadenbrooks, the Chimis could not just sit by while their city was plundered. If no one would stand up for the city, then they would. And in their first battle, they killed Shahira. But celebration had to be put on hold, for the fifth member of the team, Gigantic Jerry, was killed in their first battle. The Chimifs were planning on closing the team as soon as their battle with the Spicy Circle was over, but with the death of Gigantic Jerry, they saw that their quest was not over for anyone could come to power and take Shahirafs place as leader. And anyone did. The dreaded, evil, ugly Madame Olga, who was also more powerful than Shahira, became the new leader of the Spicy Circle. The Chimifs are resting right now from their last battle with the super hero known as Super Von der Hayden which was over 2 weeks ago, but Von der Hayden is one tough guy. They believed he had been involved in the Spicy Circle, but during the battle, they found out that he was not and he became one of the teamfs most respected and most powerful allies. And now they rest, for tomorrow is a new day, a new start, and a new adventure. The bright sun, heralding a new day, shines through the windows of the basement at Chi Chifs waking all the members of the Chimi Changas. gOh man, I had a dream that Madame Olga attacked the city and we were all dead.h gNah. I shouldnft worry, we havenft heard from the Circle in a while. They donft got the balls to attack us. Wefll kick their asses.h says Mike. gDonft get too over confident Mike. Theyfve surprised us before. Hey wherefs Eddie and Conor?h says Josh. gI donft know, they were here last night.h The sound of feet walking on the floor, echoes into the basement. gUh oh. Looks like we better leave before anyone fins us.h says Josh. gBut what about Eddie and Conor? gI donft know, but we canft help it, we gotta go. Besides I donft think theyfre here, both of their sleeping bags are rolled up. Nevermind it, letfs go! Just as the two super heroes leave, two employees come down stacking supplies. Unknown to Conor and Josh, their fellow teammates, Mighty Mike and Increddie Eddie, had gone to a mini mall just fifteen minutes away from Chi Chifs. Ed has brought Mike here only because he had to leave early for a meeting with someone. And he didnft want to wake Josh or Conor, because Eddie knows that they both can really bitch when they get up early. Especially Josh. Eddie came to the mini mall, but its not what is inside that hefs looking for, but on the roof. gEd, what the hell are we doing out here?h asks Mike. gWill you shut up and calm down? Wefre waiting for a friend. gA friend? Who are you...h But before Mike can finish, he is cut off by the roar off solid shit flying throgh the air. gI AM VON DER HAYDEN!!h gHey Super Von der Hayden, howfs it going?h asks Mike. gNot too bad Mike. Just got done throwing some crooks into jail.h gReally? Anything on Madame Olga, or the Spicy Circle?h asks Eddie gNothing. The circle has been silent for the past 4 months, ever since you guys killed their leader. What makes you think they even still exist Eddie?h gI donft know. Just a feeling. Plus, why would Madame Olga take over a group, just for it to disappear? gI donft know Ed. I havenft really paid much mind to it. Whoops I better go, looks like I got another diaper for my mommy to change. It was good seeing you guys. See ya later. gBye, thanks alot SVH.h replies Eddie gWell what now.?h gWe go back to the Chimi Cave. By now Chi Chifs is open, so Josh and Conor are probably back at the cave.h Eddie and Mike climb into their car and head to their back up base, the Chimi Cave. Meanwhile, Josh and Conor are right where Eddie thought they would be, in the cave. Conorfs lifting weights and Josh is searching through the computerfs database for anything on Madame Olga and the Circle. Hefs been doing that for about an hour now. Nothing. Josh becomes frustrated and pissed off and begins punching the computerfs monitor. This does no good. The computer goes out and Joshfs hand begins gushing blood. Josh is the smart one on the team. He can crack codes on the Internet, he can infect a computer over 300 miles away with a virus that is incurable. He may be the smart one. But patience is one thing he doesnft have. And that is the only thing holding him back. His patience, his only flaw. He must overcome it, for his own benefit, and for the teamfs. The roar of Eddiefs carfs engine comes into the cave. Eddie and Mike come out. gAnd just where the hell were you two?h asks Josh gWe wefre out. But thanks anyway MOM.h replies Mike. gFuck you Mike. You guys leave no note, donft even tell us where youfre going. I thought we were a team.h gWe are Josh. Just cool down. Itfs the computer again isnft it? You always are in a pissy mood when youfre on that damned computer. Whatfs wrong?h asks Eddie gSorry man. Youfre right. The damn computerfs got no info on Madame Olga whatsoever. Its like she fell off the face of the Earth.h says Josh. gWhere the hell could they be? Well, lets get the whole team together. Wherefs Conor?h asks Eddie gHe was lifting weights. Hey Conor. Conor you over there you dumb Swede?h says Josh There is no answer. gUse the computer to find out where he is.h says Eddie gComputer. Voice connect to, Einstein, Josh. Codename: Super Josh.h says Josh gVOICE CODE ACCEPTED JOSH. WHAT IS YOUR COMMAND?h replies the computer. gLocate Davis, Conor. Codename: Dynamic Davis. Is any where on the grounds?h gDAVIS, CONOR IS NOT FOUND. NEXT COMMAND.h gWhere was Conor last recorded at?h gDAVIS, CONOR, WAS LAST SEEN BY MY SENSORS AT THE WEIGHT LIFTING ROOM AT 1100 HOURS. gChrist, its 11:20 right now. He couldnft have gotten far.h says Mike. gComputer, wefre their any security breaches during these times?h gYES. A SECURITY BREACH IN SECTOR B-12 OCCURED AT 1112 HOURS.h gComputer, why were we not notified during the breach?h asks Josh gAT THE TIME OF THE BREACH, MY SENSORS WERE DOWN BECAUSE OF OUTSIDE INTRFERENCE. I WAS UNABLE TO TELL YOU UNTIL I WAS FULLY OPERATIONAL AGAIN.h gOutside interference? Does that mean someonefs on the outside screwing with the computer?h asks Mike. gNow. It was me.h says Josh. gWhat do you mean?h I got pissed at the computer and smacked it around and I must have damaged it during that time. Dammit! Computer, I want a full video shot of the weight lifting room. Now!h The computer screen changes from words into a live video monitor of the weight lifting room. gWell hefs definitely not there.h says Mike. gWait a minute. There is something on the bench. See it?h says Eddie. gYeah.h says Josh.h Computer zoom in on bench.h gZOOMINGh On the bench is a note. Directed to the Chimis. Dear My Worst Enemies, The Chimi Changas: As you can see, your comrade is gone. He is now in my hands and he will be until you meet me at the sight of your battle with Shahira. The Hadenbrooks high school. You come alone. If I see Super Von der Hayden or Teddy Ruxpin. your friend dies. Ifve been planning our return for so long. And finally the right moment came. Well, I must say thank you to one of you. Thank you Super Josh, for allowing me to kidnap your friend. Perhaps he shall follow in the footsteps of your friend Gigantic Jerry. Whofs death was, if Ifm not mistaken, your fault as well. That will be all for now. Donft forget, the Hadenbrooks High School. Tomorrow at noon. Sincerely, Madame Olga and the Spicy Circle gNo. This canft be happening again. First Jerry, now Conor. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! And so it begins. Super Von der Hayden is TM & Copyright of Josh Einstein, and W. Rose Enterprises. Chapter 2: War Is Declared. In the sublevel hideout of the Chimi Changa's, the Chimi Cave, the three remaining members contemplait their next move. Only five minutes ago their teamate, Dynamic Davis, was kidnapped by the sorceress, Madame Olga the Ogre. Madame Olga, is the leader of a group of evil monsters hailing from the plant Spaniola. Thay are called the Spicy Circle. They were formally run by the Chimi's arch nemesis, Shahira, until she was killed in their first battle along with the team's fifthe member, Gigantic Jerry. "That bitch! I'm gonna rip her head off." says Mighty Mike angrily. "Settle down Mike, we gotta take this one step at a time. says Eddie. "Its all my fault. All my fucking fault." says Super Josh. Super Josh feels responsible for Dynamic Davis's kidnapping because Josh had broken the computer which was the Chimi Cave's secutity defenses. With security down, Olga's monsters were able to breach the base and take Conor away. Josh is feeling extremely depressed, because this is the second time he has put a friend's life in danger. Josh also knows that he was the one responsible for Gigantic Jerry's death. Over four months ago, the legendary battle between Shahira and the original Chimis took place. The battle was a grueling three hours long. Every member of the team was physically and mentally exhausted. Finally in one last stride, the whole team barricaded the great Shahira with energy blasts and kicks to the face. But Shahira wouldn't fall so easily. She shot an enrgy blast at Josh from her Energy wand which struck him and launched him 20 feet in the air. He got up, and furiously ran at Shahira, Shahira shot s blast at Josh which would definitely kill him, and sacrificing himself for his friend, Gigantic Jerry stepped in front of Josh, and took the full force of the blast into him. Jerry died in Josh's arms that day. It was a moment he'll never forget. The blast had left Shahira weakened, allowing the team to attack, and ultimately kill the psychotic bitch. "She said noon right?" asks Josh "Yeah, noon at the hadenbrooks high school." replies Eddie. "We're there." Madam Olga has always thought by the Chimis, to be hiding out in the real world. They are wrong. Madame Olga and her team is based on Colombu, a moon orbiting their home planet of Spaniola. Madame Olga remained silent for 4 months to create a fool proof plan at destroying the Chimi Changas. It seems the right moment has finally come. And she has struck like a cobra. In the base, Dynamic Davis sits tied to a chair that has a strange helmet connected to his head which is also a helmet. The chair is supposed to send electronic impulses through the brain. Right now he is with Madame Olga and her team, Burritina, Tacar, Nachola, and Guacakano. "So the mighty Conor joins us." says Olga. "Or should I say Dynamic Davis joins us. You see, you will tell us of your friends strong points and their weaknesses so that we can use that to our advantage tomorrow" "Bite me! I won't tell you a damn thing. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH." An electronic impulse is sent along conors neaurological brain synapses. It feels like someone just rolled a mack truck over his head. "So we'll begin with Super Josh. What are his weaknesses?" "No, no. Can't tell you." says Conor wearily." AAAAGGGGHHHH." Another shock. "I grow tired of asking this so it shall be the last time. What are Super Josh's strong points and weaknesses? "Unhh. Josh is incredibly smart on a computer. Definitely the smartest one on the team Owww. But he has no patience and is extremely sensitive to past events that our hurtful for him. "Okay how about Mighty Mike?" "Mike? Don't worry about him, he's pretty much useless." "Hmmm. Yeah your right, from what we monitor of you guys, he doesn't do shit. Now what about Increddie Eddie? "Eddie is our leader. He is one hell of a tactics expert, but he usually likes to take things on his own and not use teamwork. That's all I know. "Well I must say thank you Conor. Now what is that? Two traitors in one day. First Josh, and now you. Put him in the dungeon, I gotta hit the shitter. Take him away Tacar. "Yes your excellency." says Tacar Tacar takes Conor down to the lower depths of the base to the dungeon. Its wet, stinks and its dark. Conor knows he isn't going to like this. "Hey, dumbass. I'd never let a woman like that drag me around by my johnson, like she's doing with you." "What do you mean?" "Well don't you see? Your a slave to that bitch and that shows your weak and....aggghh. Tacar slams the back of Conor's head with a spiked hammer. "Madame Olga is my empress, I do what ever she tells me. I... I .. Tacar cannot finish his sentence for he is cutoff by a bright light that has suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Both are astonished, yet scared at this strange occurence. "Who the hell are you?" asks Tacar. "That is of no concern to you." says the strange voice. With a wave of her hand, the monster known as Tacar falls to the ground 'Come with me my friend. I will do you no harm." Conor reluctantly reaches his hand out, and dissappears. Tacar is found later by Burritina unconcious and with his genitalia missing. Meanwhile back on Earth.... "Computer, over-ride code Ansbro, Eddie. Codename Increddie Eddie." says Eddie "OVER-RIDE ACCEPTED EDDIE. WHAT IS YOUR COMMAND?" "What are you doin" Ed?" asks Mike. "The computer sensors may have went down, but we' ve got cameras in the weight room are run by the generators under the cave. Computer, are their any recordings of the weight room between 1122 hours and 1120 hours." "YES THEIR IS. WE HAVE ENTIRE VIDEO RECORDING OF THE WEIGHT ROOM BETWEEN THOSE TWO TIMES. NEXT COMMAND. "I want a visual on the room between those times." Appearing on the screen is the weight room. And indeed Conor is lifting weights just as Josh had said. Nothing happened for the first 4 minutes. But something did happen Tacara and Burritina enter the room. A battle ensues for about 3 minutes. But ultimately, Tacar and Burritina kick Conor's ass. They then take him through what looks like a portal and they leave the note. "Did you see that?" asks Eddie. "What?" asks Mike "Computer, zoom in on coordinates b-12, d31c. The computer zooms in on the portal that Burritina and Tacar leave. "Holy shit! Thats out in space. Their out in space." says Mike. "Damn right. They're back on Spaniola." says Eddie "What the hell do you mean he got away?" asks Olga. "I told you madame. Some red head bitch came out of nowhere and took the little prick away. He took my prick too." says Tacar. "Now thanks to you, dumbass, we lost our hostage. But at least we got that information about the Chimi Changa's out of him. When we battle the Chimis we just tell them we have their teamate stashed away somewhere even though we really don't. We just hafta hope that the woman you said came Tacar, didn't take him back to Earth. Back at the Chimi Cave Josh sits alone in his quarters thinking of the mess he created, even though he really didn't. He feels sad, but at the same time he's incredibly pissed off. He supposed to be the smart one, he should be able to figure a way out of this but he can't. Chimi Changas The Beginning of A Legend Chapter 3: The Battle Lines Are Drawn On the dark side of the moon called Columbu, sits the base of the queen of darkness. The empress of evil. The partriarch of terror. The evil, Madame Olga the Ogre. It is a large protruding spectacle which could be mistaken for a castle. Many laser guns sit on the top waiting for an intruder to enter the domain of their master, so that they may have the chance of firing upon them. Inside are the monsters of Olga named Tacar and Guacakano. "Man, I still can't believe that dumb bimbo, ripped off my balls before she left. If I could have five more minutes with that slut I'd kill her." says Tacar "You'd what? Get your ass kicked all over again. That's what you'd do." replies Guacakano. "Hey, I can take your ass anytime any place which means that that bitch would have a field day with you Guac." "Bullshit. I could take her no problem. Hey, have you noticed anything weird about Burritina lately?" "Not really, she always seems to mope around like she's doing now. Hey what the fuck is that?" On the screen of the security section of the base is a message coming in. On the screen appears their mortal enemy Increddie Eddie. "Hello guys. You remember me don't ya. Yeah, I'm the one that kicked your asses the first time we met, and I got a message for your bitch leader. Tell her, if its a war she wants, she's got it!" Back on Earth. This is Incredible Ed. Leader and co-founder of the Chimi Changas. He sits inside of his quarters thinking about life and death. Many times he has faced it. For he wasn't always on the Chimi Changas. No. Before the Chimis, before Super Von der Hayden, their was, the Alliance. The first super team the Earth had ever known. Incredible Ed, Daring Danielle, Mighty Mike, Titan Tina, Atomic Anthony, and Kick Ass Kevin. They became infamous when they had first burst upon the scene in early 1987. The news ate them up, and the american public loved them. Especially Hadenbrooks. Because two of the members of the Alliance had come from their city. Increddible Ed, and Mighty Mike. But naturally they had enemies also. The Purple Witch, The Mad Clown, and the Warbeer. Each of these villains had attempted to achieve world conquest, failing miserbly each time at the hands of the Alliance. But like all great things, it came to an end. On their final mission in October 1990, the Alliance met their match. The most powerful villain they had ever met, the Evil Green Tree Monster. As the battle reached its end, it was already clear that the Alliance had been defeated. Two of the members, Daring Danielle and Atomic Anthony, had died. All that was left was Increddilee Ed, Mighty Mike, Kick Ass Kevin, and Titan Tina. It seemed that all was lost, when all of a sudden the four remaining members, felt a rush of pride and energy, and attacked their enemy. It lasted only one minute, and afterwards, what was left of the monster, was barely recognizable. After the battle, the Alliance fell apart. Tina had dissappeared, Mike went solo as a hero,Kevin left to pursue other goals, and Ed went into his own business as a writer. Anthony and Danielle were buried at Arlington National. Even though they were not American soldiers, they fought for America which had made them true American soldiers. The Alliance, though dead, will always be remembered. Ed is reawakened to the present, by the sound of Mighty Mike running into the room. "Ed? That bastard Super Von der Hayden is here to talk to you. Holy crap." says Mike. "Thanks Mike. Tell him I'll be right there." replies Ed Ed knows that Mike doesn't like SVH because after the Alliance fell, Mike went as a solo hero, and became Hadenbrooks most popular person. After two years of serving as a hero, a new hero appeared on the scene. Super Von der Hayden. Soon, the citizens of Hadenbrooks left Mike and followed SVH. Afterwards Mike left the super hero life and fell into a depression in which 55% of his powers were lost. He blames SVH. Super Von der Hayden sits in the computer room of the Chimi cave waiting for Ed. "Hello Von der Hayden." says Ed "Greetings and salutations Increddie Ed." replies SVH. "So whats up?" "Well, definitely not me." "Uhmm. Thats not what I meant. I was asking how are you. "Oops. Sorry. I'm fine but I just heard of your comrades kidnapping. May Teddy and I offer our assistance?" "No can do. His kidnapper, as we thought, was Madame Olga, and she challenged us to a war and we cannot have any outside help. She even made sure to tell us that if you and Teddy are anywhere near the battle sight, she'll kill Conor." "Where shall the battle take place?" "I think it'd be better if I don't tell you. Its not that I do not trust you, just I think it would be safer that way. So, no offense. "None taken. Well, me and Teddy are gonna hafta leave now. I can hear a woman being mugged two miles away with my Spy tech Super Listening device toy. Until next time." "See ya Super Von der Hayden." A feeling of uneasiness sweeps over Ed. Should he take the chance and bring SVH with him? Should he chance Conor's life? Not a chance. Meanwhile, back on the moon known as Columbu, the Spicy Circle talk about their evil plan of world domination. "And then I'll take the Mighty Mike, and shove his balls inside out. Ha ha." bellows Tacar. "Oh yeah, well I'm gonna take my Dark blade, and cut off one of Super Josh's ass cheeks. Oohh." replies Guacakano. "How 'bout you Nachola? "I'd make sure it was a slow and painful death. Something along the lines of shoving my hand down Incredible Ed's throat, pull out his spine, and hang him with it." says Nachola. "You guys? Ha. You didn't stand a chance with them last time, why should you this time?" asks Burritina. "Because were more mad then ever and.. "Don't gimme that Nachola. I could fight them all, better than the three of you together. "What makes you think that?" "Because I used to be close with two of them. And don't forget, when you fought them the first time, I wasn't on the Circle yet. I came when Madame Olga took over you guys, so if you had a theory that I fought them before, then your wrong." The three male members of the Spicy Circle look at their teamate Burritina in a perplexed way. Why were they never informed that she knew the Chimis? And if she does know them, how does she know them? They will have to wait a little longer before they can get the answers. Back at the Chimi Cave. Ed walks down one of the metal staircases in the Chimi Cave, and enters Josh's quarters. Josh is sitting on his bed with his head hanging sadly. Josh is definitely taking Conor's kidnapping the worst. Him and Conor have grown to be best friends. Its kinda funny though. Josh, when he was a bounty hunter, was sent to hunt and kill Conor. And now they're friends. Go figure. "Josh? How ya doing?" asks Ed "Alright I guess. Any word from the Circle?" "None. We did send the message through though. Don't worry Josh, we'll get Conor back." "I know, I know. But Ed, trust me, this'll never happen again. I promise. Ed exits the room and heads straight for the training room where Mike is working out. Mike is working on expert mode, and isn't fairing too well. Ever since he lost his powers, he has really been weak. There's even been talk about dropping him, because the team feels that Mike is the weak link of the team. The only reason Ed went to Mike when he formed the Chimis, was because they had shared adventures in the Alliance. Ed tried to find Kick Ass Kevin, but Kevin seemed to dissappear without a trace. Ed uses the training room's intercom to talk to Mike. "Mike. How ya doing?" "Not bad, I guess. How's Josh doing? Holy crap!" "He's still pretty shaken up about Conor, but can you blame him?" "Nahh, I guess not. So what time are we heading to the school tomorrow? Holy crap!" "Well, I guess we should go tomorrow since thats what Olga said. But, we should try and delay the fight, I think we should give Josh more time to calm down." "Alright. Well, I'll be done in five minutes, I'll talk to ya as soon as I'm done. Holy crap!" Ed leaves the room and walks done the hall to the food storage room and grabs himself a cup of iced tea and some Vienetta chocolate ice cream. He begins to think of Gigantic Jerry. One of the original members of the Chimi Changas. Jerry was a good friend, and an awesome hero. With his ability to throw fire from his hair, and increase his size at will, he was a valuable asset to the team. The day he died was definitely, the turning point in the lives of the Chimis. It made them realize that they are mortal, and that being a hero, was not gonna be a normal job, like a store clerk, or a trashman. Eddie will contnue to think about Jerry. It'll be another 45 minutes, before he stops. "Tacar!? What go's on?" "Madame Olga, the Chimi Changas have accepted our challenge." "Good. Did they find that we did not have Dynamic Davis?" "It did not seem that way, my queen. Shall I prepare the Mexijet? "Why, you dolt? The war does not begin until tomorrow. The time right now, by earth standards, is 2:39. We have plenty of time to prepare." "Of course you are right Madame." Tacar leaves the room and Olga sits on the very throne that her predecessor, Shahira, sat when she was leader of the Spicy Circle. She begins dreaming about how the earth, her home planet, will look when she takes it over and renames, Olgaria. Oh it will look beautiful, and all that stands in her way, are the Chimi Changas. "So what was it you wanted to talk to me about Ed? Holy crap!" asks Mike. "Nothing, just checking up on you." "Oh, well, did Josh come out yet? Holy crap!" "Nahh, not yet. He'll be alright, he just needs some time alone." "Yeah, I guess so. I just hope he's out of his little spell by tomorrow. we're gonna need him, especially with one man already down. Holy crap." "Yeah, well, I'm sure he'll be over it and ready by tomorrow. I mean, I was pretty upset when Daring Danielle and Atomic Anthony died, when we were on the Alliance, but I got over it" The two teamates sit and ponder what will happen. They have both been in this situation thousands upon thousands of times. Except this time its different. This time, they are scared. Josh sits in his room. In his mind he sees the same thing over and over again. Pulling the trigger and killing his friend, Brian McDermott. Pulling the trigger and killing his friend, Brian McDermott. Pulling the trigger and killing his friend, Brian McDermott. He can't stop. He yells furiously. "Stop it!" It echoes through the walls of the Chimi Cave about a thousand times. All of a suden, he sees a new vision. Pulling the trigger and killing his friend, Conor Davis. Pulling the trigger and killing his friend, Conor Davis. Pulling the trigger and killing his friend, Conor Davis. He knows its not true, its just a vision implying that he was the one, that could be held responsible, if Conor dies. For the first time in years...Josh cries. Back in the food storage room. "Holy shit! Did you here that Mike?" asks Eddie. "Yeah. That was Josh. Holy crap." "He's probably had a dream or something. Damn, I don't think I ever heard a man scream that loud. Well, Conor comes close, but that was loud!" "Yeah. Holy crap." Eddie turns on the television which is connected to the compter. he turns on the news. "Reports are sketchy, but it seems that over 7 terrorists have taken over the Kallinan corporate building on Walsh street. The terrorists are holding about 5 hostages for a ransom of 10 million dollars. Their has been no sign of Super Von der Hayden or the Chimi Changas as of yet." says a reporter on the News. "Mike, I'll get on the phone and tell Super Von der Hayden that we got this one. You prepare the Chimijet." says Eddie. "But what about Josh? Holy crap. "I think it would be better if he just stays here. Now go get the jet ready." Eddie gets on the comm link and contacts Super Von der Hayden, and has tells him that they will handle this. Eddie asks Super Von der Hayden to come to the Chimi Cave and keep an eye on it while their gone. He agrees, and they leave for the Kallinan building. The two Chimis arrive at the scene. To the crowd's horror, there are only two instead of the original four. To avoid scare, Incredible Ed tells the crowd that Super Josh and Dynamic Davis are on another mission. They both survey the building for a plan, they both come to the same conclusion. Screw a plan. Nothing works better than a full force assault. The run straight through the front glass and engage the terrorists. Mike gets his ass kicked as usual, even though he has super powers, and they have puny little guns. So Eddie has to take on the majority by himself. Back at the Chimi Cave. Super Von der Hayden sits in the computer room with his side kick Teddy Ruxpin as they keep watch over the Chimi Cave. Super Josh still remains in his room. Super Von der Hayden feels like he wants to help but doesn't know how and he doesn't know if Josh even wants help. He enters Josh's room, Josh is sitting just as Eddie said, is head down and nearly crying. Back at the Kallinan building. "CRASH" One terrorist flies through the remaining shards of glass, which slice and dice his back. Well, its a job well done. 4 terrorists dead, one in critical condition, no hostage injuries. Ed and Mike leave the building, keeping their record perfect. Back at the Chimi Cave, SVH enters Josh's quarters, where Josh is still sitting the same way. "Josh? Its me, Super Von der Hayden. How ya doing?" No answer. "Josh man. I know how you feel, I know that if anything ever happened to Teddy, I'd just fall to pieces like flake of shit falling from my shell. Trust me, I know that you blame yourself for Conor's kidnapping, well I know how you feel on that issue too, I blame myself for becoming such a loser. So Josh, all I'm saying is, your not alone." Super Von der Hayden leaves the room. Josh, on the inside, does something he hasn't done in a couple hours, he lifts his head, and heads for the door. At that same time the Chimis enter the hangar of the Chimi Cave, and come out seeing a welcoming Super Von der Hayden. "Anything on Josh?" asks Ed. "Nothing but..... oh my God!" To all of their astonishment, theys see Josh standing over on the metal staircase, with his costume on. "I'm ready." says Josh To be continued in Chapter 4: Turning Point The Beginning of a Legend Chapter 4: Turning Point The Chimi Combat Training Room. Super Josh is training on expert level 5, in which Mighty Mike would definitely shit himself even before practice had begun. Josh felt an overpowering rush of energy after he had a conversation with Super Von der Hayden. His fellow teamates are awestruck, for the fact that Josh was pretty much in a coma, and expected things to slowly get better, not this fast. "Good job, Josh. Want me to turn it down a liitle? You look tired in there." says Ed. "Turn it down? if were gonna go at it with Madame Olga for Conor, we gotta train for the full extent." replies Josh. "Okay, whatever ya say. Level 6." Eddie turns the level up higher, and it seems as though Josh got stronger, faster, and smarter than before. Its almost as if he was a different person. "Mike, you gonna go down and try level 6?" asks Eddie. "Hell no. I'd get my ass kicked. Holy crap!" Eddie knows this is true. It is a shame that Mighty Mike lost most of his powers, he was an extremely tough super hero, when with the Alliance and at his full. Now he's just a tag along piece of worthless camel dung. Ed watches Josh maneuver inside the CCTR, and it is amazing. Josh, is the only one of the Chimis, who has no super abilities, but he sure is one hell of a marksman. He can hit a grape with a bow and arrow, at three hundred yard. He can hit a beer can over 400 yards away, with any gun in the world. His bounty hunting expertise, sometimes bad, is also sometimes good. Josh signals that he is done and Ed shuts the program down. "Okay Mike your up. Novice, level zero." "Wait till you see this, Ed. I've gotten better. Holy crap!" No he hasn't and Ed knows this. He hits the begin button, which darkens the entire CCTR, when the lights come back on, Mike is on the floor unconcious. ' "Josh, could you carry Mike to the Chimi Medical area?" asks Ed. "Yeah, alright." answers Josh. Josh walks over to Mike, throws him over his shoulder as if he were holding one of Conor's Raggady Ann and Andy dolls. He carries Mike up the stairs and out of the CCTR, and into the medical area. In five minutes Mike wakes up. "Unnhhh. What happened? Holy crap" "You were knocked unconcious Mike." replies Ed. "By what? Holy crap. "Well, lets see. You were on novice level zero, so it must' ve been, one of them robot's that holds a foam club and hits you with it, that knocked you out." "Damnit! I've been working on that level for three weeks, and I still can't get by those robots. Holy crap." Eddie releases a sigh of impatience. Mike gets up and heads for his quarters. Says he's gonna lie down. Josh is sitting in the computer control area, watching the news. "Disaster was averted today at the Kallinan corporate building when seven terrorists, hailing from somewhere in the middle east, took five people hostage, holding each for 2 million dollars each. At exactly 3:18 pm. two members of the worldly known Chimi Changas arrived on the scene to offer their assistance. Many people were scared that 2 members of the team were not there, but on another mission. The Chimi Changas launched a full scale assault on the terrorist, killing all but 1 of the terrorist, who remains in critical condition at Savior Hospital, with a series of injuries such as, multiple contusions, numerous cuts and abrasions, three broken ribs, a shattered jaw bone, and a fractured skull. All of the hostages were retrieved and unharmed. The hostages included, Percival Grant, millionaire entrepeneaur who takes residence in the Broderbund Hills section of Hadenbrooks, two civilians, Ada Johnson 32 who lives on twelth and ark street, and Lawrence Talbot, 29 who hails from Barros street, in north hadenbrooks. The two other hostages, were the security guards, Victor Boone, and Eric Marsh, both from the St. Paul section in south Hadenbrooks. So once again, a giant thank you goes out to the heroes of the day, Incredible Ed, and Mighty Mike, of the Chimi Changas. I'm Kathy Blessing, and thatfs the top story of the hour. In other news, negotiations have begun for a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers novel to be released soon as Saban plans to release a book in cooperation with W. Rose Enterprises." Ed and Josh, do not listen about the new story, yet they both think about what the first story was, the hostages. "So, thatfs where you guys went." says Josh "Yeah, we thought it would be better if we didn't bother you." replies Eddie. "Y'know Ed. I got really shaken up when Conor disappeared, cause, it seems I kill more friends than enemies. First there was McD, then Jerry, and now Conor. I mean, after I found that I murdered McD for no reason, I nearly killed myself. Then, my recklessness cost Jerry his life. And now, my recklessness, caused Conor to disappear." "Josh. You weren't responsible for McD's death. Johnson was. You weren't responsible for Jerry's death. Shahira was. And you're not responsible for Conor's disappearance. Madam Olga is. You blame yourself for too much Josh." "You don't understand. The way you see it, I wasn't responsible for their deaths. But the way I see it, I am. I know I'm not responsible in my head, but I don't know if I'm not responsible, in my heart. I guess I'll just hafta figure that out on my own." Josh leaves the room, leaving Ed, all by himself, where he turns on the TV to channel USA, and begins to watch, Duckman. Meanwhile, on Columbu. Madame Olga sits on her throne alone, thinking, when unexpectedly, Burritina enters the room. "Madame Olga? May I have a word with you?" asks Burritina. "Yes my child. What do wish to know?" "Madam, as you know I have had contact before with the Chimis. Perhaps just you and I should go alone, and leave the morons for back up." "Yes, I do realize, that you are a very important weapon against the Chimis, but we cannot leave Tacar, Nachola, and Guacakano here all by themselves. For two reasons. 1. Why waste time to call in back up, if its there already? 2. We can't leave the idiots by themselves. They could light this whole friggin place on fire and burn it to the ground." "I guess your right Madame. I shall return to my cage. Call me if you are in need of any assistance." Burritina exits the room, and Madame Olga sits pondering something. "Yes. Burritina is the key to destroying the Chimis. But could she also be the key to my destruction at the hands of the Chimis as well? Hmmm..." The Chimi Cave is filled with the sound of wood breaking, battle cries, and swift movement sounds are made as Super Josh teaches Might Mike, the techniques of the martial art called, Tang Soo Do. "No Mike. A front kick goes like this. What your doing is called a wheel kick. Try this." Josh teaches a Karate class over at the Hadenbrooks High School where he teaches hundreds of many different students. Now he faces his toughest student, a worn out old hero, who does what he wants. Period! "Well Josh, its common to know how to do a front kick, I want you to teach me how to do a crane, or those things called uhhmmm, oh what the hell are they called? Oh yeah a Kata.Holy Crap!" "Mike you have to learn the basics first. You don't know the basics, you don't know anything." Ed just stands there and laughs as Josh tries over and over again to teach Mike the simplest parts of Karate. Ed has to leave though when he hears a ring on the Comm-link. He answers the call and it is Super Von der Hayden. "Hi Incredible Ed." says Super Von der Hayden. "Hey Super Von der Hayden. What you doing?" "Oh nothing. Me and Teddy are just sitting here cleaning my room. I just got done throwing a couple minors out of an R rated movie using my spy tech foot tracing powder. Little punks." "Really? Hey did you see the news?" "Sure did. Good job Ed. 4 out of five guys deceased, pretty good if you ask me. Anyway, hows Super Josh holding up?" "Its unbelievable. It seems as though he completely blocked the fact that Conor was taken, out of his mind. I think the reason is that he wants to focus entirely on getting Dynamic Davis back." "Thats great! I'm glad my talk with him did some good." "Oh believe me SVH, your talk didn't do some good, it did all good. Its amazing how he's picked himself up off the ground and moved on." "Uh oh. sorry Ed, I'm gonna hafta call you back, my moms calling me." "Okay, Bye." Eddie hangs up the phone and returns to the CCTR where Josh is still teaching Mike the same thing. A front kick. Eddie can see that something's happening to Josh. He's getting mad because he's impatient. At that moment Josh blows up on Mike. "God damnit Mike! Can't you learn anything. You gottta stop being so stubborn. You have to start learning." "Well maybe I don't wanna learn Maybe I'm just fine without your fucking karate class. Maybe I have lost my powers and I'm not as tough as the rest of you guys, but back when I was on the Alliance I didn't use Karate and I faired fine. So forget it Josh. I don't need this. Holy crap!" Mike storms out of the room and goes down to the 1st floor where he takes the Chimicycle and leaves. Eddie knows that Josh told Mike he has to start learning, but if anything, Josh has to learn to control his anger and be more patient. "Josh man, you know, you were kinda hard on Mike. You gotta understand he doesn't really want any kind of help." "Yeah well, he doesn't listen. He's gotta know that now he isn't our leader like he was in the Alliance, that was then this is now." In some ways Josh is right. Maybe he did have the right to scold Mike, because, Mike had been learning the same thing for nearly a half hour and he still couldn't get it. Josh is right, Mike wants to live in the past, because thatfs when he was important. The moon called Columbu sits in a still, tranquil state for one of the first times. Madame Olga and her monsters live in this fortress called the Mexiplex where they have planned their attack on Earth and the Chimi Changas. One such monster is Tacar. Half taco, have man. The strongest member of the Spicy Circle. Him and Super Josh are mortal enemies. For when they met in the original battle, it was a slugfest. They were both matched perfectly. Another monster is the fiercest and most cruel of the monsters of the Spicy Circle, named Guacakano. He has no mercy in his soul. He is most accustomed with a weapon he calls the Dark Blade. He and Dynamic Davis are mortal enemies. The final of the three original monsters is Nachola, who hates each of the Chimis equally. He's pretty much the weakest member of the Circle. This is their master. Madame Olga the Ogre. The most powerful member of the Circle. She also hates the Chimis equally, but in particular, she hates Incredible Ed the most. Mike took his Chimicycle and rode to a Kwikee mart that was around the block from the Chimi Cave. He picked up Tasty Kake honey bun and a blue rockadoo slurpee. He went up to the middle eastern clerk and place his things on the counter. At that moment two armed robbers entered the store. "Alright everyone. Hands in the air" said the 1st robber. "Get the money out of the drawer. Now you towel head." The clerk, whose name was Caza, began emptying the drawer of all the money, when Mike attacked both of the robbers. This was not smart. One robber moved out of the way and kicked Mike in the gut. When Mike fell to the ground the other smashed the back of his head with the butt of the gun. The robbers were about to make their getaway, when another obstacle stood in their path. This obstacle had a name. "I am Super Von der Hayden!" Mike has two feelings at once. He's glad that SVH has stopped the robbers, but he hates SVH and doesn't want him taking the glory. Super Von der Hayden has stopped the robbers. "Mighty Mike! Are you all right?" asks SVH "Get away from me, I don't need any help from a rookie like you. Holy crap." Mike gets on his Chimi Cycle and rides off, to a place unknown. He will just follow the road to where it takes him. Super Von der Hayden watches as Mike ride away. Super Von der Hayden must go to the Chimi Cave, and tell the Chimis where Mike is. Back at the Chimi Cave, Ed and Josh play a game of Dragon Warrior for the nintendo. Josh is beating the hell out of Ed. Josh loves this game. Ed gives up and goes to the food storage area, and looks in the fridge, He asks Josh if he wants anything, Josh replies "No". Eddie picks up a half of a hoagie and opens a can of jolt cola. Conor's favorite soda. Eddie begins to think about Conor. He remembers how Conor, would leave for a couple days to go hunt, and come back with nothing. He remembers how Conor would get his head shaved like a helmet, because it pissed Josh off. He remembers how Mike and Conor, would constantly get in fights with each other and how Ed and Josh would have to break it up, and make the two of them make up. And now, both of them are gone. Ed comes out of his daydream to the sound of the Chimi Cave's doors opening. Behind the door is Super Von der Hayden. "Ed? Josh? Are you guys in there?" asks SVH "Right here SVH." replies Ed." Whatfs up?" "Well, I just saved a Kwikee Mart clerk from an armed robber and Mighty Mike was there." "Why didn't Mike try to rescue the clerk?" "He did, but he failed miserably. After I saved them he blew up in my face, got on his Chimcycle and rode away. I was wondering what was wrong." Ed could tell SVH that Mike hates him, but that could cause some big problems. "Oh, nothing to worry about. I guess Mike was just embarrassed about not saving that clerk. Thatfs all." "Oh. I thought it might have been something I had done." "Nahhh, don't worry about it SVH. He'll be back" "Okay, well I gotta go. I forgot, I left Teddy at home all by himself. He probably has shit himself by now because of being alone so long. Well, see ya." Super Von der Hayden leaves. Eddie and Josh look at each other at the same time. And are thinking the same thing. "Where the hell is Mike heading off to?" Josh turns the game off and sits back in his chair. Ed puts down his food, he seems to have lost his appetite. Ever since the arrival of Madame Olga, it seems the team has been falling apart. Conor gets kidnapped, Josh falls into a depression, and now Mike has left. That means that Ed is next on the list for something to happen. One thing ed does know, is this is not good. The two of them, Ed and Josh, don't stand a chance against the full force power of the Spicy Circle. They need Mighty Mike and Dynamic Davis back, otherwise, Madame Olga will rule the world. Mighty Mike is heading north on route 207 heading out of Hadenbrooks. He's tired of this town. He was once their greatest protector. Then a better protector came, and he lost some of his powers. Now he's on a team that doesn't appreciate him. He wants to start a new life. Somewhere else. He begins to think of all the great times he had as a part of the Alliance, which he led, and the Chimi Changas. He remembers all the great missions with the Alliance. Going all over America, saving the world from vicious monsters time and time again. He remembers how when he was with the Chimis, him and Ed were always there for each other. He remembers old gullible Conor, who would believe anything you said. And remembers the moody Josh. He had great times with them. In front of him is the sign saying "You are now exiting Hadenbrooks" He thinks for a second. He doesn't want to give the memories away, and he turns back. Back at the Chimi Cave Ed and Josh sit around the Computer room and wait for the computer to identify anyone entering the grounds. Nothing. "Ya think'll come back?" asks Josh. "I don't know but I sure hope so." says Ed. They both look across the room for a strange sound is coming from over there. They are nearly blinded when a huge ball of light appears. Is it Olga? If it isn't, who is it? They don't know if they want to find out. To be continued in Ch. 5: Blast from the Past The Beginning of A Legend Chapter 5: Blast From The Past The place: The Chimi Cave. The time: 4:04 pm. The situation: Extreme. The two members of the Chimi Changas, Incredible Ed and Super Josh, were sitting in the computer section of their base, waiting for the return of their teammate Mighty Mike, when all of a sudden a huge ball of light appeared in across the room. Wind began emitting from the ball of light suggesting it was a portal "You think its Madame Olga?" Josh screams "Beats the shit out of me. But I sure as hell hope it isn't her." replies Ed. The ball gets bigger and bigger by the minute. It begins to frighten the two of them as it gets bigger and louder. All of a sudden, a smoking little ball rolls out of the hole. From where they are standing. it looks like a burning pile of shit. But all of a sudden, the pile begins to move. "Holy brown dry shitballs! Its Conor." Josh is right. The ball gets up off the ground, and stands up. It is indeed Conor. "Holy shit Conor!? How'd you get back?" asks Eddie "It wasn't me, but her." Conor points to the portal, where a red head woman wearing a green costume, with a yellow cape, hovers above the ground. They are all, awe struck. Mighty Mike is on his Chimi Cycle heading back to Hadenbrooks. He can't even believe he even thought about leaving. He hopes that the team forgives him. He begins to reminisce about his best days, with the Alliance. When he was the leader. The year is 1991. The place is Iraq. The situation: War! Desert Storm to be exact. The nation of Iraq, led by President Saddam Hussein, invaded a small country in the Middle East called Kuwait. Kuwait was invaded for their multitude of oil. America involves itself with the situation, trying to lend a helping hand to the small country of Kuwait. Most people thought that the Army, Air Force and Marines were the ones responsible for the easy defeat over Iraq. But really their was another group of Americans fighting for what they believed in. They were called: the Alliance. And they were the true ones responsible for the destruction of the Iraqi army. That was Mike's favorite mission, because, that was the one they received the most recognition for. Those time's were great for Mike. When he got the respect he deserved, when everyone thought he was the best member of the Alliance. Now, there is nothing. No pride, no respect, and more important, no powers. The woman stands about 5 foot 9 inched tall, weighing about 105 lbs., with long red hair. Ed and Josh are finally able to take a good look at her when, the portal that brought her and Conor here, closes. She stares right back at both of them. Josh is the one to make the first move. "Alright bitch! Who the hell are you, and what are you doing with Conor?" Josh asks furiously. "Josh, you haven't changed one bit. Still the angry tough man I remember you to be." replies the woman. "What the hell are you talking about? I don't know who you are lady. Better start answering quick, cause all my fellow teammatefs will tell you that I've got no...." "Patience?" says the woman. "How the fuck did you know I'd say that?" "I told ya Josh, I know you. Or don't you remember your ol' pal, Gigantic Jerry?" "HOLY SHIT" All three members of the Chimi Changas say at the same time. "Alright lady. I'm done with being nice, if you don't start shitting some answers, I'm gonna get reeeeeaaaallly pissed off." says Josh. "Therefs no reason to get hostile Josh, is their? I mean, I haven't gotten hostile have I?" "Hostile? I think you've gone way beyond hostile, I mean, for Christfs sake, you kidnap our friend, then you claim to be a friend of ours who's dead, and is also male." "First of all, Josh. I believe, saved is the correct word, not kidnapped. And I don't claim to be Gigantic Jerry, I am Gigantic Jerry." "All right everybody, just calm down." says Incredible Ed trying to smooth everything down. "Okay lady. Whatfs your story?" Route 207. Mike has about twenty minutes left, before he arrives back at the Chimi Cave. He continues to reminisce. This time, about darker, evil memories. Such as, Project: Omega. The year was 1986. Eddie Ansbro and Mike Gaydos, from the town of Hadenbrooks, enlist to join the American army. They expected alot. Hopefully a job coming from training. Maybe the chance to become a national hero. One thing they didn't expect. was that they were chosen to undergo brutal experiments for the American government. It was called Project: Omega. The experiment was to create the American super soldier. The test in this experiment would give the subject the ability to fly, more strength than any man, and supersonic speed. But, the powers weren't worth it. They were excruciating, and long lasting. The government almost treated them like animals to understand the full extent of their abilities, always saying "Itfs for the betterment of the country." They never said anything about it being "the betterment of the subjects" Eventually, the painful experiments would stop, now the tests on how powerful they truly were. The government had gone nuts. Mike and Ed were the first subjects to survive project: Omega. Their had been 30 other subjects before them. Soon enough, Mike and Ed, used their powers to break away from their government. The government could have cared less when they escaped, for they already had forty more test subjects. It was not long after they escaped, that Ed and Mike would meet a man named Kevin Lenz, who would co-found the Alliance with them. Back to the present. Mike is now only ten minutes away from the Chimi Cave. He has no more flashbacks. The Chimi Cave. This woman claiming to be Gigantic Jerry, has told the Chimis, that now he or she, whatever, is no longer Gigantic Jerry. She has now been named Timemaster. She says that when Gigantic Jerry died, he went to neither heaven nor hell, but limbo, which is in between heaven & hell. There in limbo, the "judges" which they are called, are the masters of Limbo, like God in heaven, or the Devil in Hell. In limbo, they allow each person, to go back through time and change any three events, with the exception of their death. When the three choices are done, the soul of the person belongs to the judges. They will then sell the soul to either heaven or hell. Timemaster as she calls herself, picked this timeline to come back through, for a reason she will not tell the Chimis until Mike returns. So the Chimis must wait just a little more. Thatfs easy for Ed and Conor, but Josh looks like he's gonna explode. Mike is now only five minutes away. What is Ed gonna say when he returns? Josh'll probably never teach him again. Can he blame them for being mad? Probably not. He's just so frustrated right now. Without his powers he's going crazy. It seems as though he needs them, to stay sane. "Okay lady. If you are Jerry, answer a few questions." Josh says cockily to the woman known as Timemaster. "What was Jerry's favorite band?" "Cfmon Josh, you couldn't think of something harder? Well, thats easy, its Nirvana." Josh is disappointed. He hoped the woman would be proven wrong. "Okay, lucky guess." Josh seems to be obsessed with proving this woman wrong. "Okay, next question. What album did Eddie steal from you unknown to you?" "Guns N' Roses Use Your Illusion 2......Hey. Thatfs right. I want that back Ed." "Damnit Josh. Ya had to go and tell didn't ya? "Damnit Ed! This isn't Jerry. Jerry is dead." "Thatfs right Josh I am. But you are wrong on some things though. Remember, you blame yourself for my death, even though Shahira was really the one who killed me." The three members look up in total awe. It is Jerry. And most fascinating of all, Josh also believes this. All of a sudden, the Chimi Cave's doors open, and Mike speeds in on the Chimi Cycle. "I'm... sorry guys. I shouldn't have stormed out of here the way I did, its just I......Conor?!?! Holy crap. "Hey Mike, I knew you'd missed me." Mike walks up to Conor and opens his arms and gives him a huge hug. "Whoa, who's the chick? Holy crap!" "You won't believe it Mike, its Jerry." "What the fuck?! It can't be Jerry, he died five months ago. Holy Crap!" "Your right I did, but I'm back." "Okay, how 'bout we cut the bullshit." says Josh in a mad tone. "Whatfs your story Jerr.. I mean Timemaster. The Timemaster begins to tell the tale of a dark future, for in the future that is to come, Madame Olga, rules the world. Timemaster has chosen this time period to return, to perhaps alter the future. The way events were supposed to happen was this: In the battle that the Chimis are to fight Madame Olga, they were without Conor. With one member short, Madame Olga and the Spicy Circle were able to overcome the three remaining members with ease. Incredible Ed, Mighty Mike, and Super Josh all died that horrible day. Later, the Circle even executed Dynamic Davis. Soon, Madame Olga would conquer the world. Super Von der Hayden tried to put a halt to her madness, but was also defeated, but he made a deal with the Circle. If they spared him, he would join them. They knew Super Von der Hayden would be a powerful asset, and they took his offer. Super Von der Hayden, over the years, would become their most ruthless and evil member. Earth's people were made slaves for Madame Olga. The Earth began to decay, air was polluted more than 40%, than it was now. No water was drinkable, so many lives were lost. Many people called the time period: The Age of Darkness. Over 1/3 of the world's population, died during this age which lasted almost 30 years. The age was ended when a group of super powered teens, naming themselves after the legendary Alliance, brought an end to the Age of Darkness. But even after that, there was still chaos. Who would rule the new world? How would the world get back on its feet? Would they ever recover from this terrible time? The Chimis never realized the magnitude of the battle that is to come. Now thanks to this woman, they now understand, and perhaps they can save all those innocent lives that were lost during the Age of Darkness. This changes everything the Chimis had thought. They thought that perhaps the Circle was still the band of pussies they fought before, but if they can take over the world, then they were wrong. Madame Olga must have done a hell of a job revamping the Circle. This adds about 1000% more pressure to the team. And the first thing they have to do, is return to focus, otherwise, this entire planet, will be in a world of shit. "That is why I have come back through time my friends, and have chosen this as my first mission, of my three. By returning Conor to you, perhaps that will be enough to change the events." "It is you Jerry." says Josh, finally believing. It surprises everyone. They didn't expect Josh to believe Jerry had come back. They believed that perhaps, he didn't want Jerry to come back, because, perhaps he didn't want to face the pain of seeing Jerry, the man he blames himself for killing. Josh reaches his arms out, and hugs Jerry, or Timemaster, whatever. "Yes, and I also wish to lend a hand in your battle. I was able to keep most of my Earth powers when I died. So perhaps I can transfer them to one of you." "I think it should be you Mike. You deserve them. After all, these powers could possibly make you a hero again, instead of the wuss you are now." "Yeah, I guess I could use some more powers. Holy crap!" "Could use them? You sure as hell need 'em." "Okay, I guess I'll take 'em. Holy crap!" "Yes but Mike, there is only one catch that perhaps could make you change your mind." "Whats that? Holy crap." "The steps we must take for the transfer of the powers." "Well, how do we do it? Holy crap!" Jerry leans over to Mike, whispers something into Mike's ear. Ten seconds later, Mike faints. He's out cold. To be continued in Chapter 6: The Transfer. PS. For more info on that sub plot we used, called Project: Omega, see the upcoming Alliance book, currently being written, by HellSpawn Production's own: KEVIN LENZ Chimi Changas The Beginning of a Legend Chapter 6: The Transfer Mike Gaydos, A K A Mighty Mike of the worldly known Chimi Changas, lays on the ground of the Chimi Cave unconscious for nearly five minutes. A short time ago, a woman passing through a dimensional door calling herself the Timemaster, brought the Chimi's missing member Dynamic Davis who had been captured by the psychotic group of aliens calling themselves the Spicy Circle who had challenged the Chimis to a war. The Timemaster had claimed to be the Chimis dead teammate Gigantic Jerry. It hadn't been until she told her story, that the team believed it was Jerry. The reason Mike had fainted is unknown to the Chimis. Timemaster had suggested that she transfer her powers to Mike, in hope of helping the Chimis. She leaned over and explained to Mike how the transfer would occur. Thatfs when he fainted. Mike wearily mumbles to himself on the floor. "Holy crap! Unhhh, bone, ohhh, holy crap, no can't.....won't bone 'em. Not.. do it. Holy crap." The members of the Chimis look down at their friend as he suddenly goes into convulsions. "Oh my God!" screams Conor. "He's foaming at the mouth." "What the hell did you tell him Jerr?" asks Josh. "I merely told him the process of changing powers." "Which is?" asks Eddie. "Through a sexual encounter." They all gasp in surprise. They almost feel like fainting theselves. Back on the moon of Columbu. "TACAR!!??!!" screams the bad bitch of Spaniola Madame Olga. "Yes, Madame?" replies Tacar. "Have you found out where the fuck that damn Dynamic Davis has gone yet?" "Not yet. We do not believe he returned to the Cave yet either." "And how do you know this?" "Uhmmm, uhhh. Okay I admit it. We don't know where the hell the little prick went with my prick. I just said that to reassure you." "Unnhhhh, damn you Tacar. If you don't find out where he is in 4 hours, I will fry your ass with my magical Wand of Evil. Now get the hell away from me." "Yes my queen." Madame Olga walks over to the windows of her castle, which is also the Spicy Circle's base, and looks out into deep space. She sees the planet Earth, where she used to live, where her hatred for the Chimis first began, and the very place, that she shall rule as queen. Back on Earth. "C'mon Mike. Wake up you pansy." "No....can't, won't bone. Holy crap" Mike continues to mutter. "Man, it seems like he's never gonna wake up." says Josh. "He'll wake up, trust me." says Jerry "Are you serious? Sex is the only way to transfer your powers?" "Yes." "Man. I don't know if Mike wants the powers for that price. I mean no offense, but, itfs just that, when you were alive, you were a balding, fat ass, schmuck who couldn't get a woman if your life depended on it . And now your a beautiful woman!" exclaims Conor. "Do you realize what you are saying Conor?" says Josh. "I mean, uhnnn...shut the fuck up Josh." "Its okay Conor. I know what you mean. But we don't know if Mike would have sex with me or not. What do you think he needs more? Self-respect, which could be shattered after the transfer, or do you think he needs his powers more?" They all think for a minute. what does Mike need? And then, they all agree. "POWERS" "Okay, pick Mike up off his ass. If he ain't gonna do this willfully, then we'll make him do it unconsciously. Jerry, get busy. Josh get some rufinol.h Conor and Josh drug Mike and leave him in his quarters on the bed. Jerry enters and Josh and Conor leave. In about a half hour, Jerry walks back out, quite satisfied. "It is finished my friends. Now, I must leave you once again. Seeing you has been great." Jerry opens a portal the same as the one he arrived in, and he exits. All the Chimis are swept with sadness again, as Jerry leaves their lives, for the second time. About a minute later, Mike walks out of the room. " Holy crap! Unhhh. Last thing I remember, is coming in on the Chimi Cycle. Why do I feel so cheap? Holy crap. The three other members decide it would be best not to mention what happened. "Thatfs not important Mike. What is important, is that we're all back together again!" exclaims Eddie. "We better hit the training room, 'cause tomorrow, we kick some OLGA ASS!!" On the dark side of the moon Columbu, the female member of the Spicy Circle, Burritina, looks out the opening, into the vast spaceways. She begins wondering about something. "I don't know if I'll be able to face them tomorrow." she thinks to herself. "But yet, I owe my life to Madame Olga, how can I disobey her? After all, it was them who left me to die all by myself, if it weren't for Madame I would be dead. I will fight them tomorrow, and I shall destroy them!" "Okay Mike. Your powers have increased somehow. Hmmm, I wonder why?" Eddie says in a low tone not wanting Mike to know. "You want me to pump the level up to level one? You finally got past the Nerf robots on level zero." "Holy crap! Go for it Ed. But whatfs on this level? Holy crap!" "Well first the lights dim just like in your previous level. This level is pretty much the same, except in this level, the robots come out with whiffle ball bats." "Holy crap. Whoa. Sounds way tougher then level 40 that Josh was on, where the machine phasers attack at the same time, and then the walls close down. Man Josh, you should try the level I'm on, sound like a real challenge. Holy crap!" Mike begins the training. The lights dim, and Mike is once again, unconscious on the floor. "You don't think that every time the lights dim, Madame Olga comes in, beats the hell out of Mike, and then leaves do ya?" says Conor in a sarcastic way. "Nahh, he just gets his ass kicked." says Josh. "Conor, get Mike, and the usual." says Ed "Right, take him to the medical area again." "Man Ed. His powers didn't seem to go up that much." "Yeah well, don't forget, Jerry wasn't exactly powerful himself when he was with us. But it did definitely increase his powers. The Chimi Power O' Meter says it went up a whopping two notches. To equal me like he did in the Alliance, it would have to go up 59 notches." "Holy shit! He lost that much power when he fell into his depression right when Super Von der Hayden came onto the scene?" "Yup. Don't forget, that was 55% of his powers. He lost a shit load of his powers." They both almost feel sorry for Mike 'cause he's such a pussy. He didn't deserve to lose his powers, he didn't deserve to be a pussy.....well okay, maybe a pussy, but he still should've kept his powers. Mike had a great life before he lost his powers. He had a girlfriend, ha ha ha, he had respect, he had many more friends. "Ed, this is Conor. Mike's woken up, but he's a little woozy. He says he got cracked in the temple, by one of the whiffle ball bats." "Holy crap! Little bastard snuck right up on me. I almost had him Ed. Holy crap" "Sigh. well, okay Mike, maybe you wanna rest a little. Conor, your next in the CCTR." "Okay ed. I'll be there in a minute." "So Josh. What do you think about this whole "War" with Madame Olga?" "One thing I do know is that this battle is much more important than we first realizes. I mean Jerry said, we lose this battle, Olga rules." "Yeah. Well, now that we have Conor back, hopefully we can sway the battle like Jerry said. Otherwise, we're dead." Back on the moon of Columbu, Tacar and Burritina have a conversation about tomorrow. "Madame Olga, man she's so mad at me, if that redhead bitch hadn't taken my pee pee she probably would right now." "Shut the fuck up Tacar. Nobody wants to hear about your little thing getting stolen. I got my own problems." says Burritina. "Like what you hairy bitch?" "Like facing my old friends again." "Yeah, well, your gonna hafta get over it, cause there is no chance in hell, that Madame Olga'll let you back out now." "Noone ever said I was gonna back out no schlong." "Hey, that hurts damnit!" "Sorry, maybe I did go a little too far, but I ain't backing out. I owe this to them and Madame Olga. And I will get my revenge. Even if I hafta rip that little stub your growing where your Willie used to be. "AAAAIIIIYYYYYEEEEE." screams Tacar. "Holy crap! Man that god damned little robot. I'm gonna rip his microchips out dag nabit. Holy crap!" "Uhh, yeah sure Mike. Yo Ed, Super Von der Hayden called on the Comm link, but I told hjim you were on the shitter." "Okay Josh, I'll go call him...." "Holy crap! I want you guys to keep that bastard as far away from us as possible. What, you don't realize he's the asshole that caused me to lose my powers. Fine go ahead talk with him. I don't give two buckets of poopy, you mean people. Holy crap!" Mike storms out. "Well, that didn't go down well. I guess I'll go call Von der Hayden." Ed goes to the computer room and dials Von der Hayden's number. Von der Hayden's mom answers the phone while changes his diaper. His mom picks up the phone. "Hello?" asks his mom. "Is Super Von der Hyden there?" "Who? Oh you mean Matty. He still thinks he's a super hero? Here ya go Matty." "Mommmm!! I am a super hero." "Okay honeybuns." "Hi Ed." Hi SVH. Just returning your call." "Oh yeah. Just wondering if Mighty Mike returned yet?" "Yeah, he came in about twenty minutes ago. He's feeling uhhh kinda bushed right now." "Oh really? Why?" "Well he had to screw Jerry." "Hmmm, screwing a dead man. Thatfs understandable. Well, I gotta go, Teddy and I are gonna scour the city tonight. So see ya. Von der Hyden out." Eddie presses the hang up button on his computer and returns to the food storage room where Conor is eating some fruit roll ups and drinking milk, while Josh chows down on some grilled cheese with bacon, and guzzles down a bottle of beer. Hmmm, these two have nothing in common, but it seems that since Conor got back, Josh has been following Conor around. If neither of them were straight, Ed swears they would be married. "So Conor, that new Eliminator TS7 shotgun looks good huh?" "Yeah well, I got my mind set on that Survivor Shot Pistol. That looks brutal. Anyway, they got it for $250 over at Sears, thatfs a bargain." "Well, we ain't going to Sears today Conor. We got too many important things to worry about. For one, where is Mike?" "Ahh, he's in his quarters cryin' probably." "Oh well, I guess he'll come out when he wants to. I just hope he doesn't run away again." "Well, I'm gonna go to my room and take a little anp for about 2 hours. Can you guys wake me up at 6:30?" says Conor. "Sure." responds Josh. "Hey Ed, back when you and Mike were in the Alliance, was Mike tough back then, or was he a wussy even with his powers?" "As hard as it is to believe, Mike was actually tough. Him and Kick Ass Kevin were our leaders, and Mike was probably a little more tougher than Kevin, but Kevin' leadership qualities were unbelievable. But to answer your question, yes he was very tough, as opposed to the pansy ass he is now." "Hmm. Its weird ya know? Mike's a great guy, and well..... I don't know, even though Super Von der Hayden is our friend, I still can't help but agree with Mike. That it was SVH's fault that he lost his powers." "I know how ya feel. Mike was my best friend back in the Alliance, but after that when he went solo, he grew one hell of an ego, and he was pompous, and thatfs the reason he and I are not best friends anymore, were still friends, but not best friends. Well, hey, 'bout the computer, WINDOWS '95 comes out soon, we getting it for the Chimi Computer? "Hell yeah, that program's gonna rule." The two friends talk for a couple more hours, at 6:30 they wake up Conor. They allow Mike to sleep a little more, but only a little more. As soon as he wakes up, the Chimis are gonna have a serious discussion. To be continued in Chapter 7: The Battleplan .