Cashless society is a good thing. A lot of people think its of the Devil. Do they think its of the devil because you are not using cash, or using some sort of high tech means of trade? Cashless society has nothing to do with the "Mark of the Beast." Before I go any futher let me prove this technology isnt "evil." In Revelation chapter 13, Verse 16-18: He required everyone great and small, rich and poor, slave and free to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. 18. Wisdom is needed to understand this. Let the one who has understanding solve the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. *His number is 666.* Pretty much what this is saying is, that you will be given a mark by the "anti christ" to show you are apart of the "New World Order." Sort of like getting branded. A cowboy brands his cattle to show that they are his. If it dosnt have that mark it's not his or belongs to someone else. We have all sorts of cards and a new way of cashless trade is implantable microchips. I would love to have a microchip myself. However I wouldnt get one because the government will be able to trace you. For more information on laying low on the government read my blog "The System" or go to and read file: dmansystem.txt Go to the uploads section, they are in alphabetical order. There are now cashless Coke vending machines, inergrated with wireless technology. The cashless Coke vending machine is already developed in Switzerland. The vending machine using SICAP mobile payment. Each machine has a sign that clearly indicates that cashless operation is avilable and gives a unique number that mobile phone users may dial. I cant wait till we are a 100% cashless society. --Benny Gooslin .