========================================= CYPHERCAT BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS OUTREACH VOLUME TWO ========================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ((MODUS 1)) Lockpicking for Aspiring Agents ((MODUS 2)) Recovering the glory of Hacking ((MODUS 3)) DXM this is the second volume of cbbso (also known in elite circles as "corn on the cob"). the purpose of this little zine is to take some of the experience and knowledge i've gained in my 100+ years of hacking everything imaginable and filter it back out to you. also, i know what the scene was like back in 1984, and i know that a lot of you want to recapture some of what made it so special. you can't relive the days of those awful modem handshakes, but you can get to the essence. the hack phreak scene is the essence of youth in a specific circle, in this case, one involving computers, drugs, graffitti, and writing about how to access security checkpoints like a goddamn ninja. ((Lockpicking for Aspiring Agents)) FIRST you must have motive and purpose in lockpicking. you have to master the locks you come across in the real world. take the opportunity to look at every lock you come across and think, "how hard would it be to pick this?" you should get familiar with certain types of locks. you cannot hack every lock in the world. you have to count your gains. choose your targets as you wander around your area. you are not a profiteer, and you are not a SPY, you are ANONYMOUS. SECOND you must carry around your tools with you like a credit card. since you are an introductory hacker, you only need a bobby pin and perhaps a flat piece of metal. I use a specially made "twick", which i rigged. THIRD you must visualize the picking process. think about how the bobby pin connects with the pin of the lock. feel when you twist the pick you have made. set it in place, breathe, and pick again. timing and patience are two things you would do well to build up at this point. every agent starts with random, no-name targets for the rush. don't get greedy. if you want to play this game for as long as you can, start small and pick small targets. buy a lock and practice picking it. ((Recovering the Glory of Hacking)) we were small fish when the mentor wrote his words on the hacker manifesto. we were little shits idolizing eric bloodaxe and sitting in #2600 waiting for someone to type something. we wanted to be part of a scene we were way out of our league in. bored teenagers that got high. subversive. on the sly. we walk a fine line in the night. in black we sneak around and gain access, you know what it's like. cyphercat lives in the matrix and this is available to everyone. forget about the girls for now. take care of your duties. become john doe public. watch and learn, observe. you have to be anonymous. forget everything interesting. cyphercat has yet to write his own utilities in C++ or some other programming language but the spirit of hacking lives in the activities of picking locks and accessing systems. sitting in front of a computer now, and reading textfiles in the glow of the screen. something happened and I'M NOT TELLING. that is the spirit of hacking. i'm living it, you're reading it, and good night. ((DXM)) cyphercat has a little bit to say about DXM. it may as well be the very drug case ingests to access the matrix. a very well balanced DXM habit will vault you into the matrix, where you will have your ass handed to you by the God you grew up fearing. i had my ass reamed by paul the apostle before i could wander the matrix like a man. but DXM takes you to the level of reality hacking in this body where you realize that synchronicity is a joke for mortals like us. but for hackers who play, see you on the net. cyphercat out. .