=AN ASCII ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO THE ART OF THE DEATHSAVE= 21/10/01 By besideyou BACKGROUND On the whole, I feel qualified to give out the information below. The information is literally obtained by a year of high school time squandered in front of pinball machines. The ironic part is knowing I skipped school inside school to play. An special mixture of poor administrative judgement and my even poorer self-control. I enjoyed, savored and lived around the tactile interaction with the machines, And the company of people around them. Until my ability to deathsave on one of our favorite machines (Twilight zone) severed the multiplayer aspect. Then it became a one-person show. An hour a game was common and the afternoon's pinball could be easily sustained by a dollar. Afterward when the machines were uninstalled (due to gross abuse by students, The details would bring you to tears!). I left the lounge, a year behind in my studies. But with many cherished memories, I wish you the same. INTRODUCTION A deathsave (or bangback) is a move used in pinball to reclaim balls lost down the outlanes. An outlane [fig 1.1] is for those unfamiliar with the terminology, the outermost lanes on the side of each flipper from which balls escape. Simply, a deathsave is done by striking the face of the machine at a particular time, angle and body position to eject the balls upward onto the flipper and back into play. Despite the initial mysteriousness and perhaps difficulty of the technique, It's quite easy to perform. =| |--| =| | | =| | | =| | | =| | | =| | | =| | | =| | | =| | | =| | | =| @ @@@* =| @ @@@= =| @ -@@% =| .@@@. @@: =| +@@@ @* *+*= #%@@ #@+@# =++* #@@@@- -#=++++: :#= :@@@@= =#+=#=- :@@@@= :@@@@= -@@@@* .@@ .@ %: [Figure 1.1 - Outlanes] * METHOD Deathsaving has two different methods of recovery, one for each outlane. The left outlane demands that you. 1: Take one step to the left. 2: Make sure you are holding the left flipper upright (so the ball has an open entry). 3: Have your right hand free to apply the force needed. When the ball arrives at this point [fig 1.2] Deliver a straight sharp blow with your palm directly below the ball ** well above the coin box and just beneath the metal frame of the glass casing **. The form your hand should be taking to do this is the "stop" gesture (hand rigidly flat) so force is transfered with your palm. -| | | -| | | -| | | -| | | -| | =@@@% -| | .@@@+ -| | +@@@ .###%@@- -| @@: +*%- -###+#= @ -| +@@@ @@@+ +#%# -| @@@* @@ .+##+ =@@. @@@ -@ ##+#= %@@@@: -@*#@@#. #@@@@ %@@@@: +@@@#. @@@@@ %@@@@: @@@@@@ %@%_*@@@# -=@@: %@@ @ -@ %% [Figure 1.2 - Ideal deathsave point] @. Right outlanes are dealt with compariably awkward movements. But the actions become increasingly natural and well-timed with practice. Here is the outline of steps when encountered with a right side drain. 1: Stay in front of the machine. 2: Remove your left hand from the left flipper. 3: Place your free left hand on the right flipper (so the ball has an open entry). 4: Have your right hand free to apply the force needed. Again the key is to strike the machine in the direct path of the ball [fig 1.3] at about the same position as the ball in fig 1.1 this time on the opposite side. | | |: | | |+ | | |= | | |= +@@@. | |= #@- :@@@= | |= % :**+%+#- *@@# | |= *@* .+##@@- @@@+ |= =#++= ::@@ @@@@ |- .*%+= @@ #@@% |= *+%@#@@%. =@@@@- :@@@@+ =@@@@* +@@@@ =@@@@+ :@@@@@@ -@@@@* @@@% @@@@# .*-_ @= @@ /|\ @ / | \ @ / | \ @ | .. | [Figure 1.3] | ___________________________________________ *An essential part of hitting the machine is to remember even a mild strike, given cleanly is more effective then a Herculean smash. (Strange but true!). * LOCATIONS Initially you should find a suitable area to practice, As Deathsaving can be very noisy and often concerning to those paid to maintain a business/arcade. Either a large unsupervised place (Bowling alleys, "Family oriented" recreation centers. etc) or any other place with indifferent employees should suffice. MACHINES Speaking from experience alone a number of machines are able to be deathsaved. But unfortunately the majority are not. The tilt-sensitivity, brand and physical location of the machine are all factors that can limit (or improve) your capabilities. The last is really the only condition you can control, Before playing move the machine at least a foot from any walls or anything else that would reinforce the machine. A comprehensive list of "working" machines wouldn't be of much use, taking into consideration all the variables that may prohibit it on some machines. I suggest you test the machines and find out for yourself, Afterall there's little else you can do. Also if you've played pinball on occasions, you'll notice some are constructed with little metallic barriers below the flippers. These are put there to hamper your deathsaving. But aren't an unbreachable obstacle, They are able to and have been deathsaved over. SAFETY While I've been able to perform the move for several years without serious injury. I have suspected it may be possible to get a wrist injury, (judging by minor pains). This is merely articulating common sense, Striking any solid object can lead to injury. Remind yourself that directed meekness is the best way to deathsave. But do take a rest if your wrists/hands are sore. AFTERWORD Enjoy and don't be discouraged by any setbacks. The move is well worth an ounce of patience and a few dollars. The skill truly is learn once learn forever (such as bicycling or swimming). .