The Digital World, the Man and the System Benny Gooslin Contents: Digital World The System Digital Alchemy Digital Jesus ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital World I think its cool that our world is run by text. Text I mean binary and C++ code. Without a "0" and a "1" humanity cant survive. We cant go shopping, buy food or travel. Our life is controlled by machines. Which is a good thing. with c++ and binary code we can make anything happen. From digital entertainment to everyday living. I love the digital world and wouldn't have it any other way. The System We exist in the world through a number. Our Social Security Number. Without that number we cant get a job or even go to the doctor. You even have to have a SSN# to get a phone or other bill type entertainment. The Government knows were you are at at every moment. They can see what jobs you have had, what sort of trouble you have been into. How do you escape the inprisionment of the Government. To escape the inprisionment you have to do away with all technologies. No phone, computers, cell phones, etc... Live in the underground. That way the Government cant trace you down. Maybe even change your looks a little. When you are born you are given a number. A number that can never be erased. Even when your dead that number will still exist. We are nameless. Just think for a moment how many computers in this world has our name, phone number, social security number and even were we live. Lets take the social security office for example. That can be a scary place. They know everything about you. Crimes you have committed and work history. In some cases they even know your hobbies. For example, the people that need therapy. The counselor asks what hobbies you have and what are your interest. For someone seeking SSI or disability they have counseling and the therapist reports the information back to the social security office. Now being a number can be a good thing. You get put into a system and left alone. Your information just sets there. Now you may get letters from time to time from the government about disability claims and other misc work information. No physical person sends you this material... Fear the man, not the computer system. Digital Alchemy Too bad that the digital age didn't start till the 20th century but now that its here the world and life is perfect. With the combination of Alchemy and our use of digital technology the possibilities are endless. We can make anything happen. Lets take a look at botany. Botany is the study of plants. Plant life is a huge part of our survival on earth. We get our oxygen from plant life. Our medicine and other drugs come from plants. Chemist can convert from one form to another. This conversion technique is also known as Alchemy. Alchemy/Chemistry doesn't just revolve around plants. There are some people that believe that its origin is Arabic sometimes translated as the black soil art or the Egyptian art. This idea comes from the Egyptian word chem, meaning black and also the Greek word chyma which is the casting or fusing of metals. With the study of alchemy and our use of digital technology anything is possible. If you can think it, it can happen. You just have to know how to do it. There is a story I read in one of my books about a man that once knew the formula for gold. As with all things the formula was lost through out time. You can have an endless amount of colors just by mixing our 6 colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. This is just a small example of what we can do with all the elements and the use of digital technology. C++ and the periodic table are powerful tools. With those we can control the universe. Digital Jesus How do you look at the human soul? Is it just a spiritual essence or is it chemicals in the human brain? I myself believe in God so I do believe in the human soul. But lets look at scientific facts. Thoughts and feelings are created by chemicals in the human brain. The human brain is what makes us who we are. The entire human body could actually be robotic. But one thing that cant be robotic is the human brain. Our brain, our soul... This leads me to the point of we are a digital essence inside a physical body... Here is the formula to this fact. Light is the main source in digital. You have to have light/electricity to power your tv, computers, etc... Lets use a home computer for example. You plug it into the power (electrical source.) The information is being read from the power to 0's and 1's. Everything digital is from a 0 and a 1. God and our soul is an essence of light. Light is the source for digital. "We are all made of stars." --Moby Feedback: .