######################## Basement Productions ######################## presents: End March Issue Chapter 2 compiled & distributed by: Evergreen TeamBlack@blackburnmail.com Visit the official BP website @ http://www.philebox.com/users/december/index.html .-. | |__ [__ __] | | | | | | '-' > You are reading in plain TXT format. The Inet is ripe for revolution. ############################################################################### I N D E X: 1. Intro 2. Thought and Opinion: a. The Perfect School System b. More on War 3. Mail Bag: a. Adelvia on Penis Enlargement 4. Selected Text from the Net: a. Getting Busted 5. On the subject of creativity.. 6. The Communist Manifesto: Brief Intro to Karl Marx 7. Lyrics to "Silenced" by Mudvayne 8. Outro 1. Intro >>> First of all... I must state that if you are easily influenced or offended stop reading. Well this is the End March issue. Issue #2.. If you remember last issue was titled "Atrocity".. It was our atrocity our crime against man kind. Mainly because it sucked so much. Well this time.. This issue has no name! So ha! I need writers! If you wish to submit an article to me please do so and I'll give you all the credit. I'm welcoming writers with all sorts of thoughts and opinions. contact TeamBlack@blackburnmail.com Jebus... as I write this I realize Bush declared war on St. Patrick's Day.. MOFO! Announcements >>> St. Patrick's Day.( 03.17.2003 ) Pi Day...........( 03.14.2003 ) >> a. School & Society: I have to admit I try hard in school. I kept a 3.5 GPA throughout last semester. So what are my opinions on school..? I despise school. School destroys our inner true personality and makes us slaves to the whole "school system" All throughout my school career I have been told that if I don't do well in educating myself, then I won't succeed later on in life. I'm really not into the whole "School Sucks" thing just because its against authority and just a rebellious thing to do. I think school could be a great thing, if it was changed to suit the best interest of the students attending. I'm not talking about school here.. I'm talking about schools all over the U.S. or possibly all over the world. The whole damn system should be rearranged and recreated. I'm sure that things will never ever change, but I'll just add my personal opinion anyway. There are people who are extremely smart yet do poorly in school. There are kids who are extremely stupid and get average/good grades. Here are my beliefs on school and society: classified by how hard they try or how energetic they are. Background environments and living conditions are taken into respect when a child gets graded. Teachers allow room for all types of thought and opinion. Teachers are re-evaluated once every three months. School should not interfere with the lives of children. School systems should be more strict to help enforce education and learning. Private schools, Magnet Schools, or schools dedicated to a cause such as art or religion should be abolished. The programs that these schools deliver should be introduced into the regular public school system. This will help place all students in the U.S. on one social level and prevent discrimination . All schools should provide uniforms. Uniforms will also help prevent discrimination because it will make everyone the same. Children who stand apart from other children should be forced to become like other children. Children with hair other than black and eyes a color other than brown should be provided with hair dye and contact lenses. Once kids are stripped of all forms of expression, they will be forced to express themselves in other ways. This will help encourage all children, even the ones that weren't so eager to learn before, to do better in school. - The previous article was meant to be ironic. In my view these are the steps that should be taken to create an utopian school society, which points to the fact that it is impossible to have a utopian school society since a. it is human nature to rebel against laws. b. people will think America is turning into a communist state. BOOO!!! b. More on War http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/17/sprj.irq.main/index.html Oh god! Bush is attempting to declare war on St. Pattys dad! that mofo.. Well that's all been said before. I don't know how many of you know this.. But I will now attempt to enlighten you: Even if there were no weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, Bush would still try to find a way to go for war because Bush seeks vengeance on Sadaam, and he also wants the oil. He does it all for the oil. All I want is for gas prices to go down.. :~( Iraq itself is no threat to the U.S. they have no aircraft carriers and there is no way their 98 mi range missiles could ever hit any target on the U.S., thus Iraq poses no threat to the U.S.. What does pose a threat is the pawns of Sadaam and Muslim terrorist groups living in America. This is the real worry my people. Sadaam will try to start a war from the inside of America using his loyal suicidal fellows as soldiers. Lastly, what concerns ME right now that, one of Americas allies: Israel: is the closest American ally to Iraq. Thus, Sadaam and his forces may invade Israel which is the biggest threat. Oh yeah also, N. Korea will throw a surprise bombing our way any day now.. ******************************************************************************** 3. Mail Bag >>> I recieved this e-mail on 2/19/03 from "Adelavia": SIZE AND STAMINA DO MATTER More Than You Can Possibly Imagine!! She is just trying to spare your feelings by telling you otherwise. DON'T WAIT UNTIL SHE IS GONE TO FIND OUT THAT YOU COULDN'T SATISFY HER!!! INTRODUCING, THE FIRST ALL-IN-ONE Male Performance Enhancer AND Penis Enlargement WITH THE TRADEMARKED SWEDISH INGREDIENT CERNITIN. Standard Results Include: PENIS ENLARGEMENT =================== GIRTH: 0.25" up to 2" LENGTH: 1" up to 3.25" MALE PERFORMANCE ENHANCER ============================= STAMINA: Up to 74% harder erections, this will help contribute to longer sexual experiences. CLIMAX: From 7 to 26 physical penile contractions during orgasm. The average male experiences between 4 and 7. LIBIDO: Enhanced feelings and stimulated sexual arousal combine to increase desire. RECOVERY: Faster recovery time means more sex more often. THE FIRST AND ONLY PRODUCT OF IT'S KIND. SPECIAL $33 PRICING AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME! MILLIONS OF BOTTLES SOLD WORLDWIDE. 100% SAFE - NO SIDE EFFECTS 100% ALL NATURAL - RECOMMENDED BY DOCTORS WORLDWIDE 100% UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR FREE 1 MONTH SUPPY WITH THIS INTRODUCTORY OFFER!! ------------------------------------------------- The things that come to those who wait are usually the things left over by those who got there first. ------------------------------------------------- wow! I can experience 7 to 26 physical penile contractions during orgasm instead of the weak 4 to 7 I experience now!! ******************************************************************************** 4. Selected Text from the Net >>> > There are like 34983948 textfiles out there.. About 3/4s of them are SHIT! This section is dedicated to bring you one text file, each issue, that I found interesting and are worth the wasted time. This following story touched me. (%) GETTING BUSTED (%) (%) an experience and a warning (%) ^^ By Paranoid Punkpig ^^ --- Resident (415) Bum --- I'm sure most of you have done some kinds of illegal activity, and betcha might've gotten arrested.. Lemmie tell ya, getting arrested is no joke: you're parents get notified, and they are told of the activity you were doing (in my case, fucking around with fire in a condemed building). You also get a record (you go on file down at the nearest police station, and you might get kicked out of school.. First lemmie lay it all out for ya: It was a Friday night, and it was just after a school dance, and, as usual, i was disappointed as hell (i go to a pretty tame school). Me and a friend decided to, rather than hang around with a bucha people, go investigate this old shopping mall that was being torn down by school.. we had both been by there many times, but had never considered entering the damn thing.. what a mistake that was! First off, it was dark, and we didn't have a flashlight (duhh... who carries a flashlight with them?!), anywaze, so we had to use newspaper, and light it... THAT was the first mistake, cuz there was so much smoke, some fucking rent-a-cop saw it pouring out of the building, and thought it was a fuckin' fire!! So, there we were, not knowing that outside, there were about a dozen cops, about to enter the building.. We were having the time of our lives, fucking around: going around in an abandoned shopping mall can be cool, try it!! Finally, after about an hour, the smoke started gettin' to us, and we decided to leave... anywayze, it was past 1:00 and this was when i didn't and couldn't drive, so i needed to walk home (another hour).. we then proceeded to leave when we heard the cops opening the exit door (the ONLY exit door!!)... at the time, we were right by the door, kinda behind it, so that they didn't know that we were there.. We put the "torches" out fast as hell, but still, there were some cinders, and, the cops spotted it, and us... Then, they shined their flashlights in our faces, and started sayin' stuff like: "Whatcha doin' here, punks?" "What're ya doin with fire, you fuckin' assholes?!" etc.. Oh yeah, they asked our ages, and we said 11.. that was cool as hell, cuz they relaxed then, cuz they didn't think that 11 year olds would try anything... (keep that in mind.. if you get busted, then act scared, as if you wouldn't do anythnig, and the cops will *RELAX*).. they then did the old feel routine, where they see if you have any guns, knives, etc. on you... They didn't check us out very thoroughly, tho, cuz my friend had a knife in his denim, which the cops didn't find. They took us outside, to the "meter-maid-mobile" (you know, the little three wheelers that meter maids use), and were about to cuff us.. (yeah, at age 13!!) anywaze, that's when my friend said, "R-U-N-!", at which point we both jammed!! shit, i ran so fast, you wouldn't believe it! the cops yelled something like "stop, or we'll shoot", but that's a buncha shit, cuz we were just kids... cops cant shoot people unless they pose a threat to the cop... we ran, and ran, and ran and ran.... and we made it home ok without getting busted by the cops, BUT! somehow, they got a look at us, and about 2 weeks later, the same cops (we were walkin' by school again), saw us, and recognized us... they brought us in..............but dat's another story... (^) Paranoid - Punkpig (^) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Call MARIN-80 :: 40 MEGS d/l (Pirate, hacking, public) :: Apple II's IBM :: Commodore's :: Atari's :: *San Francisco's* one and only!! (%) (415) 479-7218 (%) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ******************************************************************************** 5. On the subject of Creativity >>> How hate breeds creation: I'm most happiest when I'm in the middle of something. When I'm in the middle of something great. A project, a poem, a story, a movie, a book. Im working and it and I'm looking forward to finishing it. I haven't been writing for too long but I've realized that when I express myself things are revealed to me. I learn something new. Writing is a form of expression. When the pen starts working all the excess energy arong is directed into the pen. When I'm done with a piece I feel complete and relieved. Then comes the urge to start something new. So I decided to start this ezine. When you paint, or write, or do whatever you do to let your emotions out you let go of creative energy. I believe that creative energy not put into use slowly becomes destructive energy. So be free.. be creative.. ******************************************************************************** 6. The Communist Manifesto: Brief intro to Karl Marx >>> Karl Marx was the father of the Scientific Socialism theory. In 1848, with the assistance of Friedrich Engels, Marx published the Communist Manifesto. He stated that economics was the driving force in history. Marx was against capitalism. He believed it brought good only for some, and left many others in poverty. Marxism was later embraced by Russians, who put his ideas to use in the forming of the Soviet Union. ******************************************************************************** 7. Lyrics to "Silenced" by Mudvayne >>> I felt that this song goes along with this issue of basement so here are the lyrics. I highly suggest you download this song if you are into Nu Metal. The guys of mudvayne are truly gods of music. "Silenced" Sticker this, censor this, ban this We've got something to say Police this, condemn this, damn this We'll be heard anyway Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced... Listen here... Is it a possibility? That we're all just equal, Slam the power down Abusing... Does it pss you off to be beat at your own game You lead us with false morals and shelter reality No more...we're not buying your product when You're selling The words preaching silence Insult me in my home, When you were never invited, To live life on your curve Frustrating, Throw sticks into the spokes, To relieve insecurities, Stifle all ascension and sticker our freedom Of speech Sticker this, censor this, ban this We've got something to say Police this, condemn this, damn this We'll be heard anyway Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced... Don't tell me what I want Don't tell me what I need Don't tell me how I need to feel I feel, goddamn nothing Dig the eyes out of my face and I can still see right Fuckin' through you, Fuck you and everything you are, I'm me, we're us and that's all Closed mind with a forum to criticize, Keep your policy and I've got mine Exploit me, fabricate your lies We empower these cowards just to be left in Silence Listen here... Stand on my soapbox, And speak my own peace, Whatever you may think, It's real, Prevail through what is me, And step on your beliefs Thieving spineless sellouts, robbing our integrity Sticker this, censor this, ban this We've got something to say Police this, condemn this, damn this We'll be heard anyway Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm ... ******************************************************************************** 8. Outro >>> heh well that was it.. Expect more issues soon! Thanks To: BMC @ the neo-comintern for helping me get started. Gir from angstmonster Submit articles to TeamBlack@blackburnmail.com Don't forget to check the official BP site at: http://www.philebox.com/users/december/index.html .