0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 THE RING MOVIE FAQ 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 written by: paranoidxe email: paranoidtsi@hotmail.com This is a FAQ for the american remake of The Ring, please note that not all of these answers are official answers...some of them are either theorized myself or by other fans. [1. HOW DID KATIES FRIEND DIE IF THEY WERE NOT BY ANY TV?] The belief is that samara can summon based on any reflection, though TV is her preferred media. The exact answer for this is unknown. [2. WAS SAMARA ADOPTED?] No, samara is annas own baby that she apparently could not have. Anna apparently used other means to have a baby and this is where Samara comes along. [3. WHY LIE ABOUT SAMARA BEING ADOPTED?] Perhaps they wanted to dissassociate themselves from Samara after all the problems she caused. [4. DOES THE NAME SAMARA HAVE ANY SPECIAL MEANING?] Yes, the one most likely used in the movie is the hebrew meaning of "guarded by god". [5. WHAT WAS WITH THE STRANGE XRAY IMAGE?] This was projected through samara's special powers, much like the video was created. The photos itself might refer to the treatment samara got while in the hospital. [6. HOW EXACTLY DOES SAMARA KILL HER VICTIMS?] There are many theories on this, she may simply scare them to death. Alternatively, Samara could enter the mind of the victim and put all the pain of her life into them in one single moment killing them. [7. WHY WASN'T BECCA KILLED?] Simply put, Becca did not ever watch the tape, therefore she wasn't a target of samara. [8. WHAT DOES SAMARA MEAN WHEN SHE SAYS "BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW"? This is believed to be the missing line of the movie, it continues as "Everyone will suffer." [9. WHY WAS SAMARA CONSIDERABLY LARGER OUT OF THE TV AT NOAH'S PLACE?] It is possible she matured in the afterlife, or it is also possible her form is completely different in her afterlife. Alternatively, it coul be because Noah's TV was large. [10. WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THE CURSED VIDEO? WHAT SAVES YOU FROM THE CURSE?] The purpose of the cursed video is to spread and get samara's word out. During the movie Samara establishes that she just wants to be heard and wants everyone to know what she went through. In the end you have to copy the tape to save your life, this in turn spreads her word. [11. WHY DID ANNA KILL SAMARA?] The mysterious things going on around samara was enough to make her go insane. She realized at this point she must kill her to stop the odd occurances from happening..little did they know they'd still continue. [12. WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR RICHARD TO COMMIT SUICIDE?] The simple fact was that after Anna and Samara died he figured that everything would be back to normal, but this was far from the truth. Rachel revealed that it was happening all over again, this is where Richard took his life. [13. WHY DID THE HORSES KILL THEMSELVES?] Simple, like a dog a horse has better sense in some situations. The horses could detect the evilness of Samara and would do anything to get away from her even if it means death. For example if a dog hears or smells a stranger it is going to bark and act crazy..this is the same with the horses in this movie. The horses showed that there is seriously something wrong with Samara. [14. SO IS THE TAPE A ILLUSION BASED ON PERSONS PERCEPTION OR IS THE TAPE REALLY REAL?] I believe that the tape is real, The VCR display went screwy, the tape was viewable on media editing equipment which allowed you to stretch the images, put it in slow motion, etc. The tape could also be put on paper...like the lighthouse. [15. WHAT DOES THE BLOODY NOSES REPRESENT?] Just reminds you that the cursed time is progressing and getting worse overtime, nothing more. [16. HOW WAS THE VIDEO CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE?] Samara had special powers and she was able to project her images onto this tape. The video wasn't conventially recorded it was through Samara's mind. [17. HOW DID AIDEN KNOW THAT KATIE WAS GOING TO DIE?] It is implied that through his extrasenses he was able to pick this up. Although others would say it is because Katie told him this, however the movie makes you want to think it is his special abilities that did this. [ THE RING CURSED MOVIE ANALYSIS ] This is the basic over view and the meaning behind the pictures of the video. 00:05 - THE RING - represents the closed lid on the well 00:12 - BLOOD WATER - represents either the dead horses on the shore, or possibly relates to Rachel and the horse jumping off the ferry. 00:15 - THE CHAIR - represents the institution or the barn 00:18 - COMB/SEQUENCE - shows that Anna is happy about her daughter even though she is a little strange 00:31 - NAIL/BLOOD DRIP - represents a turning point in samaras life 00:32 - FATHER IN WINDOW - unknown, perhaps showing her father plays some role in her life 00:33 - BEACH/FLY - this might be directed towards noah and his investigation as the fly when Noah enters the record room seems to have the same or similiar pattern. The fly tends to represent progress in the movie, Rachel in the video room, and Noah getting Samara's history 00:37 - MOUTH/OBJECT - seemingly a object being pulled out of somethings mouth, this seems to be symbolizing Samara's pain at the hospital. 00:38 - BLACK BAG FACE - this shows samara being sufficated which was used to kill her. 00:39 - WELL PARTLY OPEN - this is representing when Samara is first thrown into the well. 00:40 - BURNING TREE - this is simply to represent the location where Samara's body is. 00:41 - NAIL/FINGER - this shows the nail come clean off this is showing how samara broke all her nails trying to claw out of the well. 00:42 - MAGGOTTS - represents someones death since maggotts are often found near dead matter. 00:43 - SWIMMERS - this scene shows a group of swimmers, this represents drowning, which was Samara's own death. 00:46 - TABLE/CHAIR/CENTIPEDE - shows a table, glass of water, and a centipede..the centipede might be represent rachels investigation at the hospital. 00:50 - 3 LEGGED GOAT - This represents innocence I believe, this might show how Samara was treated...crued like a animal. 00:52 - HORSE EYE - This is a direct relation to the horse that jumps off the ferry in the movie as the reflection shows. 00:53 - 7 FINGERS - I believe this shows the 7 day curse 00:54 - BURNING TREE - once again, shows where Samara is located 00:59 - BLACK BAG FACE - this shows samara being sufficated again 01:00 - ANNA - This shows anna looking back at the camera with a disturbed look on her face, this seems to show that Anna has begun to go crazy. 01:03 - EMPTY WINDOW - represents that Richard did not know about Samaras death 01:03 - UPSIDE CHAIR - unknown what this represents 01:04 - TWO VIEWS OF A LADDER - this represents the ladder by Noah's appartment, and the other one represents the one at the barn. 01:06 - DEAD HORSES: Shows the effect Samara had on the horses while in the barn. 01:10 - ANNA'S SUICIDE: shows anna jumping off the cliff, self explainatory. 01:15 - FALLING LADDER: All hope has been lost 01:16 - CLOSING WELL COVER: none 01:17 - OUTSIDE OF WELL: none 01:25 - STATIC .