==================================== File Operations in Assembly Language ==================================== by Jakash3 February 20, 2010 All of which can be and was done using debug.exe The following all use the MS-DOS API (int 21) to do these file operations. (MKDIR) Create Folder ---------------------------------------- C:\>debug -a 0100 xxxx:0100 mov ah,39 ;Create folder func. xxxx:0102 mov dx,010c ;Points to pathname xxxx:0105 int 21 ;Do it xxxx:0107 mov ax,4c00 ;AH=Exit, AL=Errorlevel xxxx:010A int 21 ;Do it xxxx:010C db "C:\NewFolder1",00 ;Null terminated pathname xxxx:011A -n makef.com -r cx CX 0000 :001a -w Writing 001A bytes. -q ---------------------------------------- Remove Folder ---------------------------------------- C:\>debug -a 0100 xxxx:0100 mov ah,3a ;Remove folder func. xxxx:0102 mov dx,010C ;points to pathname xxxx:0105 int 21 ;Do it xxxx:0107 mov ax,4c00 ;Exit func., AL=Errorlevel xxxx:010A int 21 ;Do it xxxx:010C db "C:\OldFolder1",00 ;Null terminated pathname xxxx:011A -n rmvf.com -r cx CX 0000 :001a -w Writing 001A bytes. -q ---------------------------------------- Create/Truncate File ---------------------------------------- C:\>debug -a 0100 xxxx:0100 mov ah,3c ;Create file func. xxxx:0102 mov cx,2 ;Archive file attribute xxxx:0105 mov dx,010f ;Points to filename xxxx:0108 int 21 ;Do it xxxx:010A mov ax,4c00 xxxx:010D int 21 xxxx:010F db "C:\Users\jakash3\newfile1.txt",00 -n mkf.com -r cx CX 0000 :002D -w Writing 001A bytes. -q ---------------------------------------- Note: File attributes are specified by the hex value of a bit array. ---------------------------------------- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | ? | ? | ? | 0 | 0 | ? | 0 | 0 | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ---------------------------------------- 0 - Read Only 1 - Hidden 2 - System 3 - Volume label (ignored) 4 - Reserved, must be zero (directory) 5 - Archive 6 - Unused 7 - Unused A Read-Only Archive file: 10000100 In hex that would be: 84 So 84 would be the value for CX in the 3C function of Int 21. Open File ---------------------------------------- C:\>debug -a 0100 xxxx:0100 jmp 011c xxxx:0102 db "C:\Users\jakash3\data.txt",00 xxxx:011C mov ah,3d ;Open file func. xxxx:011E mov al,40 ;Bit field for read/write access xxxx:0120 mov dx,0102 ;Points to filename xxxx:0123 int 21 ;Do it ---------------------------------------- File access mode bit fields for this function: ---------------------------------------- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | ? | ? | ? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ---------------------------------------- 000 - Read Only (mov cl,0) 001 - Write Only (mov cl,20) 010 - Read/Write (mov cl,40) After the interrupt call, AX should contain the file handle if no errors occurred. Close File ---------------------------------------- C:\>debug -a 0100 xxxx:0100 jmp 011c xxxx:0102 db "C:\Users\jakash3\data.txt",00 xxxx:011C mov ah,3d ;Open file function xxxx:011E mov al,40 ;Bit field for read/write access xxxx:0120 mov dx,0102 ;Points to filename xxxx:0123 int 21 ;Do it xxxx:0125 mov bx,ax ;Move file handle to BX for 3e function -------+ xxxx:0127 mov ax,3e00 ;Close file function <------------------------/ xxxx:012A int 21 ;Do it ---------------------------------------- Read from file ---------------------------------------- C:\>debug xxxx:0100 jmp 012b xxxx:0102 db "C:\Users\jakash3\ab.txt",00 ;filename to read from xxxx:011A db 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,24 ;'$' terminated 10 byte buffer xxxx:012B mov ah,3d ;Open file function xxxx:012D mov al,00 ;Read-Only file access xxxx:012F mov dx,0102 ;Points to filename xxxx:0132 int 21 ;Do it xxxx:0134 mov bx,ax ;Move retrieved file handle into BX xxxx:0136 mov ax,3f00 ;Read from file function xxxx:0139 mov cx,10 ;Read the first 0x10 bytes of file xxxx:013C mov dx,011a ;Address of buffer to store bytes read xxxx:013F int 21 ;Do it xxxx:0141 mov ax,0900 ;Print string function xxxx:0144 mov dx,011a ;Points to '$' terminated string to print xxxx:0147 int 21 ;Do it xxxx:0149 mov ax,4c00 ;Exit function (AL=Errorlevel to return) xxxx:014C int 21 ;Do it xxxx:014E -rcx CX 0000 :004e -n readfile.com -w Writing 0004E bytes -q ---------------------------------------- Write to file: ---------------------------------------- C:\>debug xxxx:0100 jmp 0101 xxxx:0102 db "C:\Users\jakash3\ab.txt",00 xxxx:011A db "hello world!",00 xxxx:0127 mov ah,3d ;Open file function xxxx:0129 mov al,20 ;Write-Only file access xxxx:012B mov dx,0102 ;Points to filename xxxx:012E int 21 ;Do it xxxx:0130 mov bx,ax ;Move retrieved file handle into BX xxxx:0132 mov ax,4000 ;Write to File function xxxx:0135 mov dx,011a ;Points to data to write xxxx:0138 mov cx,0d ;Number of bytes to write xxxx:013A int 21 ;Do it xxxx:013C mov ax,4c00 ;Exit function xxxx:013F int 21 ;Do it xxxx:0140 -r cx CX 0000 :0040 -n wfile.com -w Writing 0040 bytes. -q ---------------------------------------- Delete file: ---------------------------------------- C:\>debug -a 0100 xxxx:0100 mov ah,40 ;Delete file function xxxx:0102 mov dx,010c ;Points to filename xxxx:0105 int 21 ;Do it xxxx:0107 mov ax,4c00 ;Exit function xxxx:010A int 21 ;Do it xxxx:010C db "C:\Users\jakash3\ab.txt",00 xxxx:0124 -r cx CX 0000 :0024 -n delf.com -w Writing 0024 bytes. -q ---------------------------------------- .