vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Facebook Rant -from Gluk <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Written as a "superwall" post on Facebook ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Facebook officially sucks. I'm going to try to figure out how to cancel my account because Facebook is turning into a spam funnel. I can't just check my email anymore-- I instead log onto my email account SOLELY to delete facebook bullshit. Then I go onto facebook to see this crap that I'm being constantly emailed about and see that it's actually 14 superwall posts about nothing. I mean, a poem about how a kid is abused as a child? Not only do these things appeal to people who care, but they also appeal to people who want to look like they care so that they have a better chance of getting laid by the arrogant deuch chic that forwarded it to them. "Hay, I bet if I forward this back to her, (and everyone else) she'll think I care." *ASSHOLE* And on top of that -- IT'S FAKE-- Yeah it is. A third grader could write that. The only reason I didn't think of that when I was four was because I had friends. Yes I know I can shut it all off, but I never wanted to because I thought that I might just eventually be notified of something that mattered. Like me. I matter. And this site officially blows chunks. But here- I wanna give you all a text egg, because inside every one is a special surprize. All you have to do is figure out how to crack it open. (_) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 1/16/2008 by Gluk Froy -- May be copied, but only in it's entirety, including this copyright notice. .