Protectors Of The Free World ---------------------------- Well going through defcon a few people were asking about free ISP's and to my suprise not alot of them knew about the totaly free dial up of FreeI. "But they have annoying banners" was the response of most, they didnt know the little trick that FreeI left open for me and Lucky225 to find out. Now i know alot fo you must know this, na dhave seen this, so if you know, good for you, if you dont, listen up. When you download the FreeI software, it dials up to their network, using a server set username and password for the creation of a new username and downloading of all the local dialups in your area. This made us think, what if we used dial up networking to access this. So we get this little windows program called show pass, i think, oh well no matter heres the point. When you dial up to anything using a username and password, than run show pass, it will display the cached user name, the cached password, and what was used to dial up with. So we get the username and password, go into dial up networking and use our local number to call, and with the username and password provided and it works, perfectly. Plus's ------ When connected good its reliable and most likly will never disconnect you Great for connecting to a victim's server without the worry of them contacting your isp They cant close you down, becuase it would cancel anyone trying to make a new user account Oh, and FREE Problems -------- Busy alot ( well here in CA it is ) Sometimes you get a bum connection and cant go anywhere Needed Info ----------- Username: or Password: zzxbuttdart Local Numbers: You will have to get the freei software ( from i believe ) and download the list of numbers in your area. Have Fun ^Lucid^ .