Khaki Box (Theoretical Not Yet tested or made) By: Chartreuse Let me start off by saying the following: I am NOT responsible for your actions that come of using or even making this box, I am NOT responsible if this circuit damages anything, This document is for informational purposes only I am not liable for you actions, consequences, or damages resulting from this box. This box is untested, just a warning. To the greatest extent of my knowledge there is currently no document containing the following so therefore this document and the information in it is my own work and you may Not call it your own. You may freely distribute this file freely over the internet or other means as long as you keep the document fully intact. The Khaki Box is not just a lineman’s handset; it’s a greatly improved one of that. So don’t just completely ignore this file thinking it’s just another lineman’s handset, Please take the time to read over this document as it may be worth your time. I this document I am going to tell you how to make a beige box then add the improvements to it to Make it a Khaki box. First let’s start of with the beige box part... 1. Get a simple one piece telephone (one piece not required by makes it easier to conceal) 2. Go to a local dollar store and pickup one of those Boxes with a female RJ11 Jack on the front 3. Get a long alligator clip and cut it in half 4. Optional: Make two holes in one of the sides of the box big enough for the wire part of the alligator clip to fit through and stick them through there before the next step 5. Strip some wire from the alligator clips and solder it to each of the solder points for the middle connectors in the RJ11 Jack 6. Color code you alligator clips to red (ring) and green (tip). 7. Plug your one piece phone in and Beige Box away Now that the Beige box is finished lets turn this into a Khaki box. You know when you turn on your phone while beige boxing you get the formally inevitable problem of an audible click. Now with the Khaki Box that problem is gone. This is what you will need to make this possible plus some more features: 1. A 50k or better yet 100k potentiometer from Radio shack or elsewhere 2. Some wire 3. Solder and Soldering Iron 4. A DPDT Switch 5. A DPST Switch 6. Two Sowing Needles or long pins with heads cut off 7. Optional: A retractable Phone Cord Now that you have the parts we will now construct the Khaki Box. 1. Take the Box from the Beige Box constructed above and de solder or break off the wires from the alligator clips 2. Pick either the ring or tip one (for the purpose of this document I will use the red one) and solder it to the center of the pot 3. Take a bit of wire and solder it to one of the two remaining connects (It does not really matter which side it just influences which way you turn it. 4. Take the other end of the wire and solder it to one of the non common poles of the DPST Switch 5. Take the Red wire and solder it to the other non common pole 6. Take 2 pieces of wire solder one end of each to one of the common poles of the switch and solder the other ends to one of the dpdt switch 7. Now take two more pieces of wire and crisscross them to the far side of the switch 8. Now solder the two middle contacts back to the original places where the alligator clips connected. Now if any of that confused you the following ASCII circuit diagram should either confuse you or help you. P RRRRRR-------------------P GGGGGG------+ +-------P +-SS-+ :: +-----+ +-ss-+----SS---+| | +--ss-+ ||| +--------+SS----+ | | | | | +-----+ | | r g To clear things up with this diagram RRRRRRR = red Alligator Clip GGGGGGG = green Alligator Clip P P = Potentiometer P SS :: = DPST Switch Bottom is Common Pole ss SS ss = DPDT Switch Middle is Common r = Red Connector on Female RJ11 g = Green Connector on Female RJ11 | -+- Means intersecting Wires connect | | ----- Means Intersecting wires do not connect | Next you take the sowing needles or the long pins with the heads cut off and solder the to the top of the alligator clips so that a little bit of the pin is over hanging (Around 1 cm) Now to use the Khaki Box. First you Get to the TNI or whatever and find where you want to connect to then you turn the pot so it's at a level at which you cannot here the phone turn on or cause any distortion on the line. (Practice on your home phone to find out). Also if you don't already know what the pins are for, they are so you can push them through the red and green wires instead of stripping them. The Retractable phone cord is just so you don't have to carry a long phone cord along. Another thing you can do is attach alligator clips with pins to the yellow and black wires. Also you probably could screw around with someone phone by messing with the potentiometer. The DPST Switch is a Kill switch which removes your phone from the circuit. And the other switch is a polarity adjustment When its up they are inverted and when it's down they are normal. I hope this box works and is useful because at the end of writing this I forgot how it works but then remembered. Chartreuse .