======================== = Khaotic's Rant #0001 = ======================== ===================== = Table of Contents = ===================== 1. Disclaimer 2. Society ============== = End of ToC = ============== ===== ============== = 1 = = Disclaimer = ===== ============== I dont give a damn what you think if you hate me dont read my text files Dont even blame me if you get arrested or fucking injured for doing shit ===== =========== = 2 = = Society = ===== =========== Yes our society is very shitty we have child web modeling websites legal Aswell we have the RIAA and MPAA now the FBI is bitching about a few appz most of society is stupid only if the people this society woke up and saw Its degrading into a stupid retard kiddie world and the internet my god What the hell happend to it now its filled with script kiddie hackers Lmfao @ that I guess to say everything sucks its boring filled with ads Its basically like a television media type thing only you can do stuff Such as play games talk to other losers and as well get spyware on the pc Countless hours waisted into the internet people designing the most ugly Websites ever viewed we got dumbass retards bitching about game cheaters And everyone is doing the same damn thing we got high level mmorpg gamers Acting like there someone when they are purely losers who wasted ours Playing a stupid game that gets you nowhere in life we gain no money Now im tired of these so called "h@x0rz" fucking noobs piece of shits Deserve to get there internet cut off or join a nerd group haha anyways Basically what I am saying the internet has gone down hill why the hell Is that I dont know someone tell me we got sure we have high speed net But that doesnt even help with the countless bullshit crappy files So to clear things up you are wasting time reading this rant its crappy But it bitchs about random things no I have a life but the net life Is very crappy basically some fat guy or girl wasting there life on here Im not fat nor am I short but that has nothing todo with anything Life does suck but atleast go out and meet some girl/guy stop playing MMORPGs if you dont have a relationship with anyone you idiots stop pking and Start dating ok, its not hard there is thousands of people waiting For someone and someone for everyone who cares if your fat you can get Someone to date so dont worry jeez enough of this stupid rant! ========================== = www.khaotics-domain.tk = ========================== .