*********************************************************************************** * ____________________________________________ :::::::::::::: * * Text File #1 / \::Brought to:: * * Ideas? Questions?/Open up your eyes! It's some lefist propaganda\: you by :: * * Send it to:- \______________________________________________/: <=ABERS=>:: * * The_Abers_Legend@hotmail.com :::::::::::::: * *-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-* *-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-* * ______________ * * / \ I was not always anti-capitalist, in fact when I was young my* *| Why did I chose| main goal was too grow up being fucken filth rich, I didn't * *| the left? | care for others and couldn't care less if there were people * *| A wee history | worse off than me. Ever since I was young though I've been * *| about me and | depressed and through this depression I felt an indignation * *| some stuff | towards capitalism. I hated my life completely and somehow * *| about the left | this trigged a waking and I saw the lies that exist behind * *\_______________/ propaganda. Everytime I watched the news I thought "Bull-shit"* * The mass media and it's control over the brainwashed country is unbelievable as* * soon as you awaken to the truth. You find yourself not left with one of the * * believes you held closest before. The change that you will go through is * * immense. It is ALL worth it though. Being on the other side, some call this * * the dreamer's disease, is too be honest to you is like being on the losing side.* * Every year though are numbers grow, spreading the disease we are branded to have* * The papers shun us and pretend we do not exist... there is still hope though, * * never give up only live up! There is always hope but not in the church, just * * what the people who keep control of the population want. Hope comes in the fact* * that every small act of ours has an effect, even if the papers chose to ignore * * it. Try getting "The Big Issue" every week and you'll soon start to feel some- * * what happy at every gain we snatch. * * The left to me is the only hope left for man to be truely equal with no pain or * * suffering. Is it not the rule in America that "Everyman is born free and has * * the same rights and dignity as everyone else." If you join us then you will see* * this for the blatent lie it is. "Every Animal is equal but some are more equal * * than others." From Animal Farm by George Orwell meaning that we are all told we* * are equal when in trufth this is not the case with people being explioted all * * the time. What the left stands for, although many rightest will claim to be * * false, is total equality of man, the freedom to do what you what without * * stopping anyone from doing the same. This is something that I think is too good* * to disagree with. * * Ab Lincoln once said "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for * * themselves" has America forgotten this in it's new thirst for oil, in it's hunt * * for cheap labour not caring about destroying people's lifes? * *-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-* *-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-* * ____________ * *| | The christain church is a right propaganda treasure trove. * *| THE CHURCH | Used extensivly during and after wars/depressions/anything else * *|____________| that could spell trouble for capitalists and it'll be there to * * prop it up. By naming and shaming anything it is against, which you can be * * assured is the same as the capitalists, it can get the mass people to believe * * the same. There's even a priest that says in his sermons about how he think the* * war against Iraq would be a good thing. The number that must go home, who are * * only there to prey to god mostly anyway, thinking that Iraq is bad and must go * * is horrible. The chruch supports buisness and trys to keep things calm. If * * you are unhappy and think the world is terrible won't believing in a God who is * * apparently always watching us and loves us make you see this as ok? Would the * * fact that as long as you are a good boy and do as you are told keep you from * * revolting? The church is a complete hypocrisy. Does the bible not say "What * * shall a man profit if he should gain the whole world but loss his own soul"? * * Is this not a strike against capitalism and countries first for oil? If i * * was a prophet there is only one thing that I can forsee. A man, or woman, * * standing up to all those capitalist bastards and freeing the wage slaves from * * their constant toil for others profit. Just like Moses freeing the slaves of * * their chains, he/she will free them of the new ones that they can not see. * * I prey that this person comes soon... I am tired of living a life of slavery. * *-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-* *-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-* * ___________ * *| THE MEDIA | The capitalists lapdog whose main goal is the brainwashing of the * *|___________| public. Many of you will not believe me about this fact but put it* * this way: * * if I told you that a "horrible, monsterous" man "slaughtered" his wife * * while "heavily drinking" and driving would you not hate this man? But * * what if I has said that a "poor, usually kind" man "accidently killed" * * his wife while "taking a little drink" and driving would you still hate * * him as much... or would you feel sorry for him? This use of words is * * called propaganda and the press are experts in this region. * * Never take anything you read seriously, for both left and right, till you have * * both stories then decide which one actually had the most facts and is most * * plausable. Read some leftist propaganda at www.schnews.com - one of the best if* * not best leftist news you will find. Stop being brainwashed and look behind the* * lies. * *-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-* *-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-* * _________ * *| SCHOOL | Ah school, training centre of the next generation of capitalists. * *|_________| Here they adopt a fascist regime where you have to where uniform and * * obey teachers, most of which are either shite at their jobs anyway. But the * * cheeky gimps are not happy with just that as although they strip you of your * * individuality and force you to obey they claim that one of the most important * * things to have is INDIVIDUALITY. If you no longer have the ability to express * * yourself with your choice of clothes, your radical ideas and anything else that * * makes you, YOU! how can you have your individuality? Recently a pupil at a * * school got made to shave a beard he was most proud of as it took him the whole * * summer holidays to get it to a decent length off! Fair enough you may say but * * the teacher who told him to do so IS NOW GROWING A BEARD HIMSELF! Is this not a* * way of expressing their power over you? A way to make you feel small? Perhaps an* * early attempt to destroy any hope of making a difference out of you? Who knows. * * The only thing I can be sure off is that one day the pupils will rise, they will* * turn against the teachers and tell them that they can do fine teaching * * themselves without all their rules and oders. * *-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-* *-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-* * _____________ * *| FINAL WORDS | I know this isn't the best of text files but I hope I at least * *|_____________| made my point to one person out there. SREAD THE DISEASE! * * There is a battle cry echoing off every wall. This cry is that of the poor, * * those seeking justice and the oppressed. It is gaining in stregth striking at * * the foundations of your dreams and war-mongering ideas. Your foundations are * * weak as it is and the use of scapegoats and other such stupidly divised plans * * will no longer work. We are the small worthless being you dispise... the public* * we are taking our lifes into our own hands and telling you where to put your * * ideas. You may kill, you may destroy, you can do any injustice you wish but you* * will not do it in our name. For every one of us you strike down ten more will * * rise with the ever lasting battle cry for freedom and justice; none of your * * lies that this already exist will help you now. Soon we will have you on your * * knees; our shadow blocking the sun from shining on you. You will be overpowered* * people will see you for the sham you are; I know this is what your fear most, * * the very people you control turning round and spitting on your hand that you * * claim feeds them when infact only takes away. We use to be the few... now we * * are the many. We are coming for you; one step at a time. Continue with your * * injustises if you want; it will only speed us up. Enjoy the time left you have * * ruling this world... the clocking is ticking and will soon stop. The future is * * in the people's hands and you are not in it * *-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-* *-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-* *:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::* *:::::::You:can:brand:me:any:name:you:want;:as:long:as:it:concludes:that::::::::::* *:::::::I'm:an:enemy:of:the:state,:that:it:marks:me:as:different:due:to:::::::::::* *:::::::the:indignation:your:nation:creates:in:me,:that:I'm:not:part:of:::::::::::* *:::::::your:genocide,:that:I:did:not:stand:for:any:of:your:countries:::::::::::::* *:::::::murderous:and:globalising:ideas:and:am:a:renegade:of:your:::::::::::::::::* *:::::::teachings...:then:I'll:wear:it:proudly!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::* *:::::::--Abers:2002::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::* *:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::* *********************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************** ** ____ ______ ____________ _____! ! ** ** / \ | ___ \| \ __ \ / _____\---------------------------|- ** ** :::::::/ /\ \ | | \ \ _____/ | \ \ /:::| "You may say I'm a dreamer | ** ** / /::\ \ | |:::/ | |__| |_/ | \___|but I'm not the only one, I | ** ** / /_::_\ \| |__/ /| ___> / \_____ \hope some day you will join| ** ** / ________ \ ___ \| |::| |\ \ :: \ \us, & the world will live | ** ** / / :: \ \| \ | _|__| |:\ \::: / /as one" | ** ** / / ::::::\ \___/ / \ |::\ \___/ / John Lennon - Imagine | ** ** /__/ \__\___/|______/_| \__\____/----------------------------|- ** ** i i ** ** * Yes I have the dreamer's disease but I dont want your "1984" cure for it * ** ** ** *********************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************** .