,:-:. O N E ( 1/o ) C E N T '-=-? by: ad - year: 2008 Hi folks, here is a little story which i have experienced some years ago. It is about a little one cent choin and how worthy it is. For me it was an important experience which i probably will not forget. I was on my way to work and while i was walking i saw a little one cent coin on the way and my first thought was like "take the coin up as a choin of luck" but i didn't and thought instead "may another person will find it, i don't need it". Yeah after work on my way to the train which i had to take to come home i searched again for this little one cent choin but it wasn't there anyloner. When i arrived at the trainstation then i wanted to buy my ticket. But guess what? The money was not enough to buy the ticket. ONE CENT lacked and i remembered the little one cent choin which i didn't took up. Thanks God, another person was on the trainstation and i had to ask him if he can give me one cent that i can buy the ticket. Yeah that didn't felt much comfortable. He gave me the one cent choin, thanks to him, and i could buy my ticket and traveled home. Yeah, that was my little story about that little one cent choin. So never underrate how worthy a little one cent choin can be. I learned my lesson. --- By the way while i write about money: don't forget the poor people, don't make treasures or share them with the poor people or donate as much as you can to people on the streets, people without food, people facing war and so on. _Please_. They _need_ your help! Thank you. --- God bless you. -- ad [EOF] .