xxxxxxxxxx\ CrAzY \ TeXt \ BY sick66 (this is my first textfile, for fuck sake!) FiLe / / xxxxxxxxxx/ disclaimer: fuck the disclaimer!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW TO MAKE A PIZOOKA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this file is about making a are probably wondering: what the fuck is a pizooka? well, a pizooka is a bottle filled with piss&syrup this is a fucking dirty mixture and does wonders on the mental condition of a man (or woman):-p xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the materials and production: materials: - a empty botttle (must be plastic!) i suggest a flexible one...say, an old shampoo bottle. - some syrup (makes the mixture sticky and thick) - your own piss (not so hard to obtain...i think!) production process: - take the bottle and unscrew the cap - poor some syrup in the bottle (i always fill it 1/3 with the syrup) - then the hardest part, piss in the bottle until its almost full (i suggest 5/6) (i always make a do it outside or something!) - after the bottle is have to mix the stuff, so shake it for a minute or so (with the fucking cap on you dumbasss!) now you have your own instant pissing tool! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx usage: - i have found the pizooka usefull for: - the asshole next-door! (his or her car) - the paper boy (put the stuff in his paper bag!) - cars!.....absolute fun...put it on the door handle or on the windshield!!! - on houses and frontdoors, windows etc. - animals!.....put it on a cat...guess what a drag it is to clean a fucked-up cat! - children!.......that nasty little fuck nextdoor who's keeping you wake! make up your own creative!!!! :-D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THIS IS MY FIRST TEXTFILE....I'M PLANING ON WRITING A TEXTFILE ABOUT HACKING AND VIRUSSES SO..MORE TO COME! FOR COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS...SEND ME A MAIL! E-MAIL: sick66@chatplaza (you can also mail me about hacking and virii...cuz' im also into that shit!) TOT ZIENS! (THAT IS DUTCH FOR 'GOODBYE!') .