WHY? BY: DIzzIE Why am I living if my life sucks so? Why can't I just take the gun and go? Why am I stuck in this cage? Filling up with hatred and rage? I am stuck in this shell and it is such hell I want to go to sleep and dream AND DREAM that there is no waking up, no damn tomorow 'cuss I can't waste another day living this fucking shit-su-fley NEY! Please. beatiful stranger, take this semi-automatic, or make me swallow the damn pill please push me of the hill let me sleep and don't you weep I shall be at peace once more at pain no more But now I'm here, writing, trying to jab the dagger in me heart you just have to understand choke me with you god-blessed hand I don't like this NO, I hate this All I want is bliss in ashes, if you burn me that's what I'll get I can't stand it living here, in this shitbox called the earth so please, I can't do it, so, will you? Just pull the trigger and ku-ka-ru! .