The Perils of Port 513 A.K.A: How to piss off a Linux Administrator in three easy steps By Confucious ============================================================================= DISCLAIMER: the Author of this file is not responsible for any illegal use of the information contained within. This file is for eduational purposes only. Anyone who uses the information in this file is not only breaking the law but extremely fuckin up someone's system and pissing them off! RedHat Linux v. 5.1 has a serious problem in it's networking. I found this out by sending a few messages to the rlogind port, (port 513) on my Linux box after seeing it mentioned in my /etc/services file. What happened was : I was looking through my /etc/services file when I saw an entry named login. I noted the port number then switched to another virtual terminal. Then I telnetted to port 513 and entered the user name root. The thing just disconnected me, so I tried again using my non-priveledged account confucious. Still no feedback. Naturally I gave up on that being very useful. Later on, I figured that I would make a few changes to my bootloader, so I tried to su to root. Alas, that did not work. So I logged out then tried to log back in as root. Still didn't work. Here is a transcript: [confucious@localhost /]$ su root su: invalid password ## This seems wrong because su usually asks for a password. [confucious@localhost /]$ exit logout ## clearscreen Red Hat Linux release 5.1 (Manhattan) Kernel 2.0.35 on an i586 login: root Invalid Password. login: confucious Invalid Password. ## This is extremely weird as I haven't even entered a password yet!?!? And this is what happens when you send shit to Port 513 on RedHat 5.1. Damn! Also, this problem was not fixed by reboot. I had to re-install to get it working again. Now wouldn't that piss you off? If you use the information provided in this file please send email to: Adios, Confucious. port 513 is evil. .