##### The most common trojan ports ##### Author: The Maniac contact me at : dancho@mbox.digsys.bg I hope you know that all trojans use ports here are they. See if one of them is open on your computer and if there's one that is open you're infected. Here are the ports: Satanz Backdoor|666 Silencer|1001 WebEx|1001 Doly Trojan|1011 Psyber Stream Server|1170 Ultors Trojan|1234 VooDoo Doll|1245 FTP99CMP|1492 Shivka-Burka|1600 SpySender|1807 Shockrave|1981 BackDoor|1999 Trojan Cow|2001 Ripper|2023 Bugs|2115 Deep Throat|2140 The Invasor|2140 Phineas Phucker|2801 Masters Paradise|30129 Portal of Doom|3700 WinCrash|4092 ICQTrojan|4590 Sockets de Troie|5000 Sockets de Troie 1.x|5001 Firehotcker|5321 Blade Runner|5400 Blade Runner 1.x|5401 Blade Runner 2.x|5402 Robo-Hack|5569 DeepThroat|6670 DeepThroat|6771 GateCrasher|6969 Priority|6969 Remote Grab|7000 NetMonitor|7300 NetMonitor 1.x|7301 NetMonitor 2.x|7306 NetMonitor 3.x|7307 NetMonitor 4.x|7308 ICKiller|7789 Portal of Doom|9872 Portal of Doom 1.x|9873 Portal of Doom 2.x|9874 Portal of Doom 3.x|9875 Portal of Doom 4.x|10067 Portal of Doom 5.x|10167 iNi-Killer|9989 Senna Spy|11000 Progenic trojan|11223 Hack?99 KeyLogger|12223 GabanBus|1245 NetBus|1245 Whack-a-mole|12361 Whack-a-mole 1.x|12362 Priority|16969 Millennium|20001 NetBus 2 Pro|20034 GirlFriend|21544 Prosiak|22222 Prosiak|33333 Evil FTP|23456 Ugly FTP|23456 Delta|26274 Back Orifice|31337 Back Orifice|31338 DeepBO|31338 NetSpy DK|31339 BOWhack|31666 BigGluck|34324 The Spy|40412 Masters Paradise|40421 Masters Paradise 1.x|40422 Masters Paradise 2.x|40423 Masters Paradise 3.x|40426 Sockets de Troie|50505 Fore|50766 Remote Windows Shutdown|53001 Telecommando|61466 Devil|65000 The tHing|6400 NetBus 1.x|12346 NetBus Pro 20034 SubSeven|1243 NetSphere|30100 Silencer |1001 Millenium |20000 Devil 1.03 |65000 NetMonitor| 7306 Streaming Audio Trojan| 1170 Socket23 |30303 Gatecrasher |6969 Telecommando | 61466 Gjamer |12076 IcqTrojen| 4950 Priotrity |16969 Vodoo | 1245 Wincrash | 5742 Wincrash2| 2583 Netspy |1033 ShockRave | 1981 Stealth Spy |555 Pass Ripper |2023 Attack FTP |666 GirlFriend | 21554 Fore, Schwindler| 50766 Tiny Telnet Server| 34324 Kuang |30999 Senna Spy Trojans| 11000 WhackJob | 23456 Phase0 | 555 BladeRunner | 5400 IcqTrojan | 4950 InIkiller | 9989 PortalOfDoom | 9872 ProgenicTrojan | 11223 Prosiak 0.47 | 22222 RemoteWindowsShutdown | 53001 RoboHack |5569 Silencer | 1001 Striker | 2565 TheSpy | 40412 TrojanCow | 2001 UglyFtp | 23456 WebEx |1001 Backdoor | 1999 Phineas | 2801 Psyber Streaming Server | 1509 Indoctrination | 6939 Hackers Paradise | 456 Doly Trojan | 1011 FTP99CMP | 1492 Shiva Burka | 1600 Remote Windows Shutdown | 53001 BigGluck, | 34324 NetSpy DK | 31339 Hack?99 KeyLogger | 12223 iNi-Killer | 9989 ICQKiller | 7789 Portal of Doom | 9875 Firehotcker | 5321 Master Paradise |40423 BO jammerkillahV | 121 .