420 TiMeZ... ok So U dont Kno How To roll You Call Your Self a Stoner... Shame Shame. Well im here to Help. Ok Step One : Take The Botom Of The Paper And Fold Half Up. Think U Pot Head its 1/4 The Paper Fold it up so u have like a lil Crease Along The Botom. Next: Break Ur weed Ya Ya U kno that, Well put it in Dont Over Flow it since ur a Newb At this Jus Put A Normal Ammount. Now The Tricky Part: Ok. What u do is u grab the ends Of the paper And U Roll Th Botom Half Upwards ALL UR GONNA BE USING IS 3 FINGERS! UR THUMB, POINTER, AND UR MIDDLE!! Hold The BAck Of The Paper with ur Mid and pointer and ur thumbs do the rolling.. Now to roll it Ur Thumbs Roll Up. And U Bring Ur other Fingers Down As u Roll. This sounds all complicated but shit It Takes Pracitce. I Would sugest U Practice on Taboacco First, Thats How I learnd Ull Get the hang of it within 2 hours. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!!!! - ~`SkyHighaTriSt`~ .