A homemade shrapnel bomb by Yblad Hey. A few notes on how to make a great shrapnel bomb. what you will need: a glass jar a half full aerosol can (a bit smaller than the jar) Paraffin (or equal) tissue paper First, find a thin glass jar of some sort (an old jam jar or glass coffee holder will do) and fill it about a 1/4 up with paraffin. Next, take a half full aerosol and remove the plastic top (the bit that directs the spray).Put it (upside down) in the jar. Then soak some tissue paper in the paraffin and roll it into a cylinder shape.Put it in the side of the jar with the aerosol leaning against it. Finally, cover the gaps with more tissue (this can be soaked in paraffin or not). To set it off light the tissue that the aerosol is leaning against.Wait about 5/10 minutes and she'll blow (sending thousands of glass shards into the surrounding area). WARNING-GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY. DO NOT COME BACK TO THE BOMB IF YOU THINK IT ISN'T GONNA BLOW.I KNOW ALOT OF PEOPLE WHO CAME VERY CLOSE TO FILLING THEMSELVES WITH GLASS THAT WAY. .