S K U L L A N D B O N E S By Acid Pool Skull and Bones is a group out of Yale University. Only the l337 and rich can get in. Bonesmen, as they are called, are forbidden to speak of what goes on in the inner sanctum. They have meetings every Sunday and Thursday night. They call their meeting area "The Tomb." Several years ago a group called File and Claw broke into the Tomb and reported back what they saw. They said in the inner sanctum, there was a pentagram on the wall. They even found a collection of Skull heads. Skull and Bones are the behind the scenes of our reality, making us believe what they want us to believe. Do we really have freedom or is it mearly an illusion. This is sort of like The Matrix. You take the blue pill and you continue to belive the "lie," you take the red pill and you see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember when Ragon got shot? He almost died. If he had died George Bush Sr. Would have been our president a lot sooner. When Ragon was giving his speaches he stated that he would explore Skull and Bones and would take no part in it. He should have kept his mouth shut... Skull and Bones has included presidents, spies, sons and daughters. Its a social and political cult like no other. .