+-----------------+ | Sleep Box | |Modified Busy Box| +-----------------+ by: sysburn sysburn@gmail.com After a long night of hacking and phreaking, you want to sleep. You certainly don't want to be interrupted by anyone. And nothing is worse than being awoken by a ringing telephone. I had to think of a way to turn off the telephone line in my house. I needed a way to make it really simple, but effective. The technology was alreadt there, but it needed a little modifications. Here now is the modified busy box, or 'sleep box'. What you will need: Push-On/Push-Off (SPST) Button LED Coupler Phone Wire Procedure: First of all, attatch the coupler to the wall jack. You can use a normal telephone cord for this. Then, attach one of the LED terminals to the button. Take a piece of telephone wire. Plug one end into the telephone you wich to use, and strip the other end. You will see a red, green, yellow and black wire. You will only use the red and green wires. attach the LED terminal to the red wire, and attach the button connector to the green wire. Then attach the red wire and LED terminal to the red wire in the coupler, and attach the green wire and button connector to the green wire in the coupler. Usage: When the sleep box is not turned on, the LED is not on, and the telephone line is clear. When you turn on the sleep box by pushing the button, the LED will turn on, indication that the line is not reachable. When the sleep box is on, you can not make calls out either, remember this. I like to turn mine on before I go to sleep, and I turn it off in the morning. Sweet dreams! sysburn@gmail.com July 2005 .