WAYS TO KILL/TORTURE A SLUG BY: DIzzIE Ó1999! This file contains exactly what the title says (as usual) 1. Put a firecracker under it. 2. Smash it with a hammer (might get kinda messy) 3. Boil it (really cool, the slug's skin begins bubbling and popping) 4. Put it in the microwave (POP!) 5. Give it a bath in acid (sulfuric acid will be best) 6. Spray it with household oven cleaners 7. Spray it with spray paint (look mommy a neon-orange slug!) 8. Poke holes in it with a nail (the slug starts leaking black stuff) 9. Cut of parts of it (the antlers, the tail) 10. Tie the slug to 2 bent trees, then unbend the trees, ripping the slug in 2. 11. Make a slug milkshake, yummmmmmmmmy! 12. Put the slug in the freezer for a while. 13. Put the slug in melted gold, when it hardens you'll have a slug paperweight. 14. Tape the slug to a bowling ball and role it down a steep street 15. Give it to a hungry homeless person. 16. Make it listen to country music, (don't be surprised if the slug hangs itself) 17. Shove it up a cat's arsehole. 18. Get one of those basketball pumps with the needles and pump up the slug to get a slug balloon! 19. Get little pieces of plastic, set them on fire, and drop them on the slug. 20. Get a syringe and fill it with nitroglycerin, then inject it into the slug and insert a little fuse into the slug. You've just made a slug bomb. 21. Put the slug in a washer/dryer. Remember, a clean slug is a good slug. 22. Put the slug in the garbage disposal (get a towel ready). 23. Sprinkle salt on the slug, and watch it shrink. 24. Flush it down the toilet, and away it'll go. 25. Tape it to a tennis ball/soccer ball/golf ball/baseball/basket ball/hockey puck, and play the sport. FORE!!! 26. Tie it to a giant speaker and turn the volume way up. 27. Put a shotgun right next to the slug and fire, then see if you can find any pieces of the slug. 28. Tie the slug to a stick and put the stick in the middle of a red and hill, pour honey over the slug. Email me/fax me at xcon0@yahoo.com, 1-559-663-4067 .