* Smartphone FAQ What is smartphone? A smartphone is a computer with cell phone capabilities. They are evolution of PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) and cell phones. Should I get a smartphone? Most people don't need it. If you still can live without smartphone, don't. If you need it for professional purposes, grab it. Don't try to find excuses. Why so much hate for smartphones? Almost everyone who hates on them have probably never used one for even five minutes. And after that you are still a hater or refuse to do it, you are probably ignorant or technophobe. SOCIAL MEDIA is a problem. SMARTPHONES are best thing since sliced bread. And they allow for a lot of wonderful things. Why are smartphone so addictive? They have so much features. When you bought, they already have a load of apps. Anything useful was always addictive. If you ever used a Palm you can get why. How to make a smartphone less addictive? Set the screen grayscale. It just renders 32-bit color to display as grayscale, meaning the photographs, screenshots and such things will still have color information saved. Hide notifications from apps that keep continuosly spamming you (Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat for example). If you are handing out a smartphone to teenager,at the very least: 1. Don't activate data plan on teenager's SIM card. That way, even if teen manages to swap SIM card from the basic phone to smartphone, he wouldn't have access to the Internet. 2. Reset the smartphone. If you can use it without SIM activation, just hand out both a basic phone and smartphone. 3. FOLLOOW THIS ONLY IF YOU CAN'T USE YOUR PHONE BECAUSE OF LACK OF ACTIVATION. Ok, we will install a SIM temporarily. Install teenager's SIM card back into smartphone. Activate it and when you can use the phone, swap it back to basic phone. This way teen will have best of both worlds. It basically turns smartphone into a PDA. What can I do with smartphone? Most of things you can do on your PC and all of things you could do on Palm. If you don't know all of this, you shouldn't own a smartphone. Many people think that they know things you can do using smartphone. ALMOST ALL OF THEM ARE WRONG!!! Smartphones are a lot more powerful than you think: * Develop creativity - They have a camera and text editors! However, I dislike smartphone photo editors, they are useless in my opinion. Buy a PC and learn real photo editing. * Read books, surf the web, check weather, listen to music, watch videos, read news, e-mail and Usenet, IRC (!), take notes, use calendar. * They are actually useful in business. In reality, the original smartphones were business-focused. * Only for adults: watch porn on these huge screens. That's only tiny percent of what smartphones are capable of. Do they dimnish attention span? By itself, no. However, some features of smartphones do. Such as mindless usage of social media. I recommend you removing social media apps, in case you want to use social media just use a web browser (Chrome/Safari). Except Snapchat, but just get rid of it if you can. What are differences from iOS and Android? iOS is easier to use and faster than Android. It is limited, making iPhone more of fashion accessory than smartphone. Android has more features and lags sometimes. You don't need to be tech-savvy to use it, however, it is a little harder to use than iPhone. It has advanced features and customization abilities, which are here for power users. .