TEN RULES FOR A PURE SOCIALISTIC SOCIETY BY: DIzzIE Ó1999 1. Thou shall share with thou friends. 2. Thou shall all band together. [Work together. Celebrate together. Band against the enemy together. 3. Thou shall help thy friends in their time of need. 4. Thou shall do thy work, be part of the group, and get things in return. If thou does not do thou portion of work, thou shall be banished from the group. 5. Thou shall be friends with all members of the group. 6. Thou shall defend each other from enemies. (Opposers of socialism and non-members of the group). 7. Thou shall work to improve the group and make things easier for everyone. 8. Thou shall listen and pay attention to members of the group. 9. Thou shall NEVER use money or any other form of economy. If thou uses money thou shall be banished from the group. 10. Thou must always remember that thou is always equal to members of the group: neither better, nor worse. .