/* Forum post Originally posted at: http://www.lingubender.com/forum/index.php Forum Path: Index\Programming\Assembly Author: Jakash3 Date: Tue July 20, 2010 3:09 pm (Pacific Time) */ It took me 2 days, but I've managed to make a program in ascii. Using pure characters between 0x20 and 0x7E this program source is made of pure human readable ascii. This is a hello world program, paste to notepad and save with .com extension (the following code contains no line breaks): X5))%@IP5YI5Y@5P!%PAP[55!5e 5O!54(P^)7CC)7SZBBXPSRABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCZ[XH+H*hello world!$ Assembly de-compilation (fasm): -------------------- org 100h use16 pop ax xor ax,2929h and ax,4940h ;AX=0900 push ax xor ax,4959h xor ax,4059h ;AX=0 xor ax,2150h and ax,4150h ;AX=150 push ax pop bx ;BX=150 xor ax,2135h xor ax,2065h ;AX=0 xor ax,214fh xor ax,2834h ;AX=097B push ax pop si ;SI=097B sub [bx],si ;[150] = int 21 inc bx ;BX=151 inc bx ;BX=152 sub [bx],si ;[152] = int 20 push bx pop dx ;DX=152 inc dx ;DX=153 inc dx ;DX=154 pop ax ;AX=0900 push ax push bx push dx ;Save AX,BX, and DX inc cx ;The rest are just memory fillers inc dx inc bx inc cx inc dx inc bx inc cx inc dx inc bx inc cx inc dx inc bx inc cx inc dx inc bx inc cx inc dx inc bx inc cx inc dx inc bx inc cx inc dx inc bx inc cx inc dx inc bx pop dx ;DX=0154 pop bx ;BX=0150 pop ax ;AX=0900 db 48h,2bh,48h,2ah ;for int 21 and int 20 db "hello world!$" ;your message goes here .