THE ANARCHIST'S/PRANKSTER'S TOOLKIT BY: DIzzIE Ó'99 Here are some things that every self-respecting or self-hating anarchist/prankster should have in his nap sack: ASSORTED SCREW DRIVERS: Make sure you have a flat head and a Philips screwdriver. Have each in at least 2 different sizes. Examples of use: · Loosen bookshelves, in libraries/bookstores, so when somebody puts a book back, BAM! · Loosen the screws on chairs to get the same result as above (BAM!). · Use the screwdrivers to pry stuff open, like windows. SMOKE BOMBS: You can never go wrong with smoke bombs. Smoke bombs are usually available at magic stores, or try looking at various swap meets to find long lasting military smoke bombs. Examples of use: · Toss the smoke bombs into crowded places, such as malls, airports, schools, supermarkets….. · If you are ever in trouble light a smoke bomb and run away, so nobody will see you. POCKET KNIFE: A definite necessity, never leave home without some sort of knife. Examples of use: · Use it to get out of tight spots with the fuzz · Cut ropes that hold things up in the area, like banners, signs… SPRAY PAINT: Always good for spreading your ideas. Let everybody know what you think by spraying a nice neon anarchy sign on the white house wall. Example of use: · Put a lighter next to the nozzle, flick on the lighter and spray the spray paint; making a dandy flamethrower. KRAZY GLUE: If you can't think of anything to do with crazy glue you have either been under your rock too long or you are simply a "dumb-fuck." So for all you special people a couple fun krazy glue ideas (there are 3 GOOD files on having fun with krazy glue, search for "fun with krazy glue" on your favorite search engine): Examples of use: · Krazy glue other people's body parts together, like lip, nostrils, eyelids. · Krazy glue special buttons down, like elevator buttons, or alarm buttons, you know the usual. MATCHES/LIGHTER: Good to have both. Oh the joys of seeing the pretty flame, whether you are a two year old who just discovered that gasoline is flammable, or a 30 year old pyromaniac that is wanted in 20 states, you all began with a simple flame. You can do anything from heating doorknobs, to burning down your school, or work place. HAMMER: Great tool. Try to get a small one, but make sure it's easy to hold and sturdy. You can never have too good a hammer. Example of use: · SMASH THINGS! (windows, street lights, people's heads, statues) Those are just the basic things. You can always add more things: ü Chainsaw ü Gun ü Bombs ü Tear gas ü And last but not least, a good lawyer's number! Yet another great work of art has come to an end TOOTLES EVERYONE! Email me at:, fax me at: 1-559-663-4067 .