How to open bike locks with a Bic Pen By wYll dezYn This guide will show you how to open a bike U lock with just a pen 1. Get a bic pen that is the same size of the lock opening. 2. Remove the end cap. 3. Remove the ink tube inside. 4. Put the end into the lock 5. Wrigle the pen in the lock. 6. Twist the pen a couple of times. 7. Voila, the lock is open Note: this will work with any other type of tubular lock, make sure you have a plastic tube of the same size of the lock. DISCLAIMER: THIS TEXT IS FOR PURELY INFORMATIVE PURPOSES AND DOES NOT IMPLY THAT I PICK LOCKS OR STEAL BIKES. ALSO IF YA GET BUSTED IT AIN'T MY FAULT AND ALL THAT OTHER B.S.! --wYll dezYn This document was written expresively for It is not to be reproduced on any site without my expresive permission send emails at: wylldezyn [at] .