TOP TEN GOOD THINGS ABOUT THE Y2K BUG BY: DIzzIE Ó'99 WEEEEEE!!!!!!!! There's lots of talk about the evils of the y2k bug. Anything from killing cable tv, to WW3. Well there are also some upsides. In fact here are 10 upsides: 10. All of your records (job, prison, school, etc…) will be gone, because all of the computers will crash. 9. Since there will be no electricity, the lights will go out and you can go anywhere you want………….Hehe. 8. The passwords to protected web sites will be reset (and the passwords to software like NETNANNY will be reset too), so you can go anywhere you want on the web. 7. The arcade machines will crash and reset, so for once you can have a high score. 6. The vending machines will go crazy and start spitting out candy, soda, and ofcourse : money! 5. Since the whole Earth will be dark on January 1, 2000 (because of the power outage issue), the Earth might be saved from an alien invasion, because the aliens wont recognize any intelligent life worth taking over. But then again, we don't need a power outage for the aliens to figure that out. 4. Entomologists (people who study bugs [the kids who got an A in biology]) will have a new bug to study and to add to their lists. 3. Since all the security will be down you can finally go on a tour of the Pentagon. 2. Annoying online service providers, such as AOL (America On LSD) will finally crash, therefore it will be forced to cancel its 5 million shipment of AOL 5.0 cds. 1. The y2k bug might somehow activate nuclear weapons around the world, causing us all to die. The good thing about this? Is that since we'll be dead, we wont have to worry about anything anymore! Finally a worry-free life…and death. Email me at and fax me at 1-559-663-4067 .