I FELT A LITTLE BAD ABOUT THIS ONE :) IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT YOU SHOULD INCLUDE THINGS LIKE .OVL AND .DAT FILES TO "SELL" THE PROGRAM TO YOUR VICTIMS. ADDITIONALLY NEITHER OF THESE TWO TROJANS HAVE BEEN LISTED IN THE HACK REPORT, SO IF YOU MOVE FAST ENOUGH YOU COULD MOST LIKELY PUT YOUR OWN FAVORITE TROJAN WITH THEM, AND PASS THEM OFF ON SOME LAME FUCKER! OH SOMETIMES A GOOD THING TO DO IS TO INCLUDE A "INSTALL" PROGRAM WITH THE TROJAN. THIS WILL CATCH THE LAME FUCKERS WHO ARE TOO LAZY TO READ THE DOCS! STORY BOOK V1.0 COPYRIGHT 1993 Jim Davis Story Book is a program for children ages 7-13, that is entertaining, but also teaches children to read. You set the level, for the child and pick between one of several stories. The child is kept entertained while he or she is slowly taken through the story at his own pace. Watch your child smile as Homely (the G-rated) Clown or several other fictional characters happily tell their story. Instructions for Story Book: (there is windowed help althrough the program so I am going to make this brief) ---------------------- MIN. EQUIPMENT: IBM Compatible computer (286 is borderline, 386 or faster is recommended). EGA VGA graphics. Mouse, joystick, or keyboard. 1. To begin the exploration, type STORY.EXE Select the version, or level, you wish to enter. (1 through 7). 2. Select Keyboard, Joystick, or Mouse. 3. Story Book was developed to allow simplified access for elementary school children and has 7 steps or versions (numbered from 1 to 7). Each version is completely separate from the others and can be entered at any time. The first version allows only 'forward' and 'back' motion. The purpose of this is to minimize confusion for young children as they begin to learn how to use the mouse buttons. Each subsequent version adds an additional pair of motion controls: for instance, version two adds the ability to move 'left' and 'right'. Users can enter any version they feel comfortable with. (** DEMO version has first three levels only) 4. You change your viewpoint by placing the cursor on an icon at the right side of the screen, and pressing a mouse button. 5. On the motion controls, the right button lets you move quickly, the left button lets you move slowly. 6. If you get "dis-oriented", click the left mouse button on the box marked 'RESET VIEW'. (** not in DEMO version) 7. Sometimes, "colliding" with an object can make something happen (e.g. getting a ride on the moving car). 8. Sometimes, "activating" an object can cause action (eg. stopping and starting the moving car). "Activating" is achieved by moving the cursor to an object in the picture and clicking the right mouse button. Activation is only effective if you are close enough to the object. CONTROLS: Large Red Arrow -- Move FORWARD. Large Blue Arrow -- Move BACKWARD. Yellow Triangle -- Move LEFT. Green Triangle -- Move RIGHT. Yellow Arrow -- Turn LEFT. Green Arrow -- Turn RIGHT. Pink Eye Box -- Look UP. Blue Eye Box -- Look DOWN. Pink Triangle -- Move UP. Blue Triangle -- Move DOWN. Left Tilted Head -- Tilt LEFT. Right Tilted Head -- Tilt RIGHT. Horizon Box -- RESET VIEW. ESC -- Start again. SHIFT ESC -- Exit MOVER. SUGGESTIONS for Teachers: Evaluating a student's readiness to continue on to a subsequent version can be accomplished by asking the student if he (she) can describe how the controls work, and which motions are caused by which icons. NOTE: You may find it more rewarding in the long run to let the children discover for themselves how they want to explore and what portion of the world they want to explore, and to teach each other what they have found out. Within a short time, what seemed a little complicated will become familiar. If the mouse is a little awkward for the hand of a kindergarten student there are smaller mice available on the market. Also, you may find that the students can manipulate a joystick a little easier than a mouse. Or, you can show the student how to hold the mouse steady with one hand, and press the buttons with the other. Introductory offer: Until June 30, 1993 you can order the full-featured, 7 level Story Book program for $30.00 After June 30, 1992 the price for Story Book will be $99.00. ANY COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS: --------------------------- We are extremely interested in your feedback about this new "world". Please forward your comments to: Jim Davis or Tom Hayward (Story Book DEMO) VRontier worlds of Stoughton, 809 E. South Street, Stoughton, WI. 53589 608-873-8500 FAX: 608-873-8523 Also, one of our services is making custom environments. Contact us with specifications, and we will provide a quotation. Thank you.  .