TIPS ON THE RS CCR-81 COMPUTER CASSETTE Did you know that? 1. You can save 70 or more programs on one tape. 2. You can search your files quickly for loading. 3. Tape loading errors can be by-passed so you can load the rest of your program from a bad tape. Use the Radio Shack Low Noise 60 Tape. I have been using this tape for several months and have not encountered one tape error. Watch the leader, make sure that your off it before recording. One sure way is to use a pencil eraser to turn the reels so all the leader is hidden in the cassette. Bulk erase your tapes before reusing them the unit can be purchased at Radio Shack. Keep a list of each file as you record it. You can easly search for a file by entering the file name and using the play along with the review and que keys (look hard their there) . Following your list you can wait for the next file to appear and know if you have to cue or review. Reset, the program counter each time so you can zero in on the right file. Found: will appear and loading will start. I know you can use the program counter to do the same but start swaping tapes without rewinding and watch what happens. My way you don't have to rewind each time and the most used file is probably where the tapes is sitting at the end of. Tape errors can be a number of causes : 1. Power spikes 2. Static electricity 3. Motors 4. Other equipment such as an industrial motors on the same power line. 5. Bad tape. 6. Dirty heads. If you have one of these problems the best way is to isolate the entire system by recording on battery power on the Model 100 and the Cassette Player. This eliminates almost all interferance problems leaving you with a tape problem (Did you bulk erase before you used it?)or dirty heads. Rubbing Alcohol and a cue tip will do a nice job, clean everything that comes into contact with the tape including the rollers. Hold the play button down without a tape for easy cleaning. If an error appears when you reload first, check that the volume is a 7 or 8 level this is usually the problem. If this doesn't work try this : 1. Let the recorder load till the error stops the tape player. 2. Note the program counter setting and create a NEW FILE 3. Remove the ear and remote plug and listen to the beginning of the file you can hear the differance between the file heading and the file itself. 4. Set the the recorder to the beginning of the file heading and CLOAD just enough to to get the file header into the computer and PAUSE (Listen to the tape with the plugs out so you can get the hang of it). 5. Once the file header is in remove both plugs again cue to tape counter setting and just a little beyond and replace plugs. You may have to practice a little but it works, it saved me 12 pages of retyping. 6. Go to the original file and paste the new file to the end depending on how well you did you will have very little retyping to do. 75725,1411 Dave Romano