DCPREP.DOC by David W. Willman, 75775,202 3/23/86 Copyright 1986 David W. Willman Licensed for use only, Compuserve M100 Sig members. DCPREP.LDR is a program which loads a machine language prep program anywhere in memory. This prep program takes a document file in RAM, strips the words within the file, throws out duplicate words & sorts the word list. This is all done within the specified RAM file in preparation of running a spelling-checker. As you should be able to surmise the original RAM file will be destroyed, so unless your just trying to build up your dictionary, you will want to back-up the file before running the m/l program on it. DCPREP.LDR will not allow you to load over memory above MAXRAM, but gives you the option of loading over locations above HIMEM and will reset HIMEM to protect the m/l program being loaded. It also optionally allows you to define a function key to run the m/l program that will remain resident in your M100 until a cold-start is performed or until HIMEM is set above the start location or until another program writes over its locations. Once DCPREP.LDR is run it can be killed, remembering to keep a back-up in case you have to re-load. The m/l program can be run either by using the defined function key or by calling its start location. WARNING: Because of the nature of the routines called by the m/l program, it CANNOT be called from within a Basic program.