QWKPWR.100 A POWR-DOS menu program for the 100/102 - QWKPWR is a BASIC, cursor file select utility for operating POWR-DOS that is 1/4 the size of DMENU.BA (only 751 bytes) with the speed and "feel" of a .CO program (3 times as fast as DMENU.BA). It doesn't use any RAM other than it's own living space and doesn't need any extra RAM files for temp storage: and it does NOT require ANY file name typing! It saves and loads RAM or DISK files; it will erase DISK files; it prompts for and will append or overwrite existing DISK or RAM files; and it will run .BA or .CO (if you've CLEARed RAM beforehand) programs from DISK. It will also let you "Preview" the first 240 bytes of .DO files and will print a list of DISK files. To keep size to a minimum, QWKPWR doesn't KILL RAM files, won't overwrite RAM .BA files, won't RUN RAM files, won't auto-CLEAR .CO running space (except as noted below), and won't multiple-load files. (Hey, it's only 751 bytes!) - Download QWKPWR.DOC (this file), and QWKPWR.100 as .DO files. Checksum QWKPWR.DO and LOAD and SAVE a .BA version. (POWR-DOS must be installed of course.) - Selection of QWKPWR from the main menu will set all the POWR-DOS "hooks" and display it's mini-menu. Use either UPPER or lower case letters. - R displays visible RAM files and sizes D displays DISK files and sizes L will Lprint a list of the DISK's files and sizes. (Be sure a printer is connected and ready.) F shows free RAM and DISK space M returns to the computer MENU - NOTE: There is no error trapping except for printing the error and line number, but that will happen "softly" and won't trash files first if you carefully manage RAM and DISK space. Use the "F" key at the entry menu often. Because of QWKPWR's size and speed, it IS possible to loose a file if you try to append more info to a DISK .DO file than DISK space available or if you ERASE a DISK file before you're certain of a good RAM load or vice-versa. These potential problems are certainly not unique to QWKPWR, but all the error checking needed for every possible contingency produces DMENU.BA: a fine program, but ponderous in every-day use compared to QWKPWR. - To SAVE a file from RAM to DISK: Press R. You will see your visible RAM files display 7 at a time. Use the Spacebar to page through your files. (If you decide NOT to save any RAM files then just keep pressing the Spacebar to restart QWKPWR.) After the page with the file you want to save to DISK displays, press SHIFT/BREAK. This will put a (or ESC to re-run). If this is a new file to your DISK you will then see a >D to tell you the SAVE is taking place. If the file already exists on your DISK you will be prompted O/A/M? Press O to Overwrite the existing file or A to Append (.DO files ONLY). You will then see a O>D or A>D, the SAVE will take place and QWKPWR restarts. - To LOAD a file from DISK to RAM: Press D. You will see your DISK files display 7 at a time. Use the Spacebar to page through your files. (If you decide NOT to load any DISK files then just keep pressing the Spacebar to restart QWKPWR.) After the page with the file you want to load to RAM displays, press SHIFT/BREAK. This will put a < D next to the top entry (D for DISK). Now use the Spacebar to select the file to be LOADed to RAM: press (or ESC to re-run). You will now be asked L /R/E/P/M? L will try to LOAD the file. If RAM is clear of a file by that name then you will see >R signifying that the file is being LOADed. If the file already exists in RAM you will be prompted O/M? Press O to Overwrite ONLY existing RAM .CO or .DO files. You will then see O>R or A>R to tell you the LOAD is taking place. (QWKPWR won't overwrite RAM .BA files but will BEEP, display R/.BA, and END. YOU must first kill or re-name the RAM .BA file and re- run QWKPWR.) QWKPWR will restart after loading .DO or .CO files but a .BA file will require you to re-run QWKPWR manually. R will run .BA and .BA/.DO files directly from your DISK. CO files can also be run from DISK if running space has been CLEARed before using QWKPWR. You can also add CLEAR code to line 1 of QWKPWR to CLEARXXX,XXXXX for any regularly used HIMEM value. E will ERASE the selected DISK file after prompting for confirmation. Answer Y to continue: any other key will abort and re-run QWKPWR. P lets you "preview" the first 240 bytes of a .DO file and then re- displays the mini-menu. M returns to QWKPWR's mini-menu. - - I am indebted to Wilson Van Alst for byte-fighting my original 800+ byte version down to it's present 751 byte fightin' trim and for careful editing of my original ideas. I have found QWKPWR to be fast, smooth and accurate. The original design objective was "do everything in 800 bytes or less". I run an invisible version from F7, set up with the following code: KEY7,"DSK"+CHR$(24)+ "RUN"+CHR$(34)+"QWKPWR"+CHR$(13). The only M/L call used is "scroll-off". Occasionaly the SHIFT/BREAK routine will cause a "BREAK IN LINE..." error 18, (I'm not certain why), but just type CONT or re-run QWKPWR. If you don't like the BEEP you can delete it from the beginning of line 1. - QWKSAV.BA - Instead of uploading the following code as a separate program I've included it here as a "bonus". I use it regularly to back-up a RAM-full of files to a buffer disk from time to time just in case... Checksum as a .DO file is 17,755 and it takes just 178 bytes as a stand-alone .BA. It probably arrived with Cr's as part of this .DOC but EDIT them to leave only FOUR lines of code 0, 2, 4 & 6. - 0 CLS:DEFSTRF:FORX=63919TO64128STEP11:IFPEEK(X)=0THEN6ELSEFORY=3TO10:F=F+CHR$( PEEK(X+Y)):NEXT:T=PEEK(X+9):IFT>68ORT<66THEN6ELSEF=LEFT$(F,6)+"."+RIGHT$(F,2) :CLS:PRINT@130,"Saving: "F 2 IFDSKI$(":"+F)>0THENKILL":"+F 4 SAVEM":"+F 6 F="":NEXT:BEEP:MENU - - When you run it from the main menu it will save to disk all active RAM files, visible or not, and automatically overwrite any from a previous back-up with the same name. It won't save any files whose extension doesn't begin with B, C, or D so "powr-dos" and RAM files without extensions will be bypassed. - - I hope you find QWKPWR and QWKSAV as useful as I have. QWKPWR would be smaller as a CO program but there are some operational advantages to a "floating" .BA prgm. (Unless we could squeeze it into the ALT/LCD buffer.) - v7 Randy Hess 73267,552 5/8/88 Omaha, Ne. WATS 800-228-3309