RAMDSK.TIP by Paul Globman copyright (c) 1990 This file will describe various entry addresses into RAMDSK.CO (c) which will allow the user to perform certain Datapac operations from a BASIC program. RAMDSK.CO is a file transfer program which lists the Datapac files and allows the user to move files between system RAM and Datapac RAM. KILL and RENAME functions are also provided, and all operations are function key driven and require immediate user interaction. One of the features of the Node ROM (which normally comes with the Datapac), is the ROM entry point for a CALL from BASIC which would allow a variety of operations to be performed under program control. Most of those ROM operations can also be accomplished with the RAMDSK.CO program so the user has not lost programming capabilities. Entry points: M100 T200 ------------------------------------- FREE 61896 60053 KILL 61942 60099 LOAD 62300 60444 NAME 61998 60155 SAVE 62055 60212 SAVE1 62061 60218 After RAMDSK.CO has been LOADM'ed into its operating address, a BASIC program may CALL the above locations. The user will be prompted for input and when the operation is complete, the BASIC program will resume. NOTE: CALL FREE must precede CALL SAVE each time CALL SAVE is used (this applies to CALL SAVE1 also). SAVE and SAVE1 are identical in function however SAVE will display RAM files and SAVE1 will not. These entry points will require user input but it is possible for the BASIC program to preset the user input (ie. load the keyboard buffer) so the appropriate input is encountered by the routine that is requesting input. The following example will save the RAM file TEST.DO to the Datapac and overwrite the previous version (if one existed). If the operation is aborted by not "replacing" a duplicate filename, the routine will not return to BASIC but instead will remain in the RAMDSK.CO program. A "Y" can be included in the keyboard string after the second to force replacement if necessary (see line 3 of sample program below). 0 REM ------------- SAVE TO DATAPAC 1 CLEAR99,59838:LOADM"RAMDSK":K=-738 2 FR=60053:S1=60218 3 F$="TEST.DO"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(13)+"Y" 4 F=LEN(F$):POKEK,F:K=K-1 5 FORI=1TOF:J=I*2 6 POKEK+J,ASC(MID$(F$,I)) 7 POKEK+J+1,0:NEXT 8 CALLFR:CALLS1 This program is for the Tandy 200. For the Model 100, only the first two line need be changed to... 1 CLEAR99,61681:LOADM"RAMDSK":K=-86 2 FR=61896:S1=62061 The LOAD routine will bring .DO and .CO files into RAM and continue in the BASIC program. When LOADing a .BA program, the newly loaded program becomes the ACTIVE program and when the routine returns to BASIC an error may occur because the active program has been changed. If the keyboard buffer had the string RUN+CHR$(13) (after the name of the program to be loaded) then the newly loaded BASIC program can be "chained" to as RUN will be entered from the keyboard buffer. These entry locations would make it possible to auto-backup files from RAM to Datapac, or Datapac to disk. Groups of programs/files can be loaded as "sets" of files. Expanded database manipulation and other applications are now possible using these new programming opportunities available with RAMDSK.CO. I would be happy to answer any questions directed to me on the SIG or in email. Paul Globman [72227,1661]