Instructions for SAVALL.BA SAVING RAM FILES TO CASSETTE: When using this program for the first time, use the CSAVE command to save it on the beginning of the cassette tape which will be used for back-up. Then advance the tape to the place where you wish all the RAM files to be saved, and enter the program from the main menu. At the prompt, choose 'S' to save files, and the program will begin saving the files to cassette. Upon completion, the computer will beep and go to the main menu. The process may be aborted at any time by pressing the SHIFT and BREAK keys simultaneously. RESTORING RAM FILES Load and run SAVALL.BA from the cassette tape. At the prompt choose 'L' to load all RAM files from the tape. The program will then begin loading RAM files, and the computer will beep and go to the main menu upon completion. As in the procedure for saving files, SHIFT-BREAK will abort to the main menu. POST SCRIPT I have been using a rough version of this program for about a month and found it to work for all .BA, .DO, and .CO files. The only bug I have encountered is with TMPC. For some reason when TMPC is restored it will not function, however all related files are intact. I hope all will find this program to be useful. Any suggestions or comments can be relayed to me via E-MAIL. Enjoy! David Westhead 72747,767