Captured messages: #: 156513 S11/Tandy 600 10-Sep-87 01:21:50 Sb: Getting 600 into 8 bit Fm: Joe Holland 73720,1605 To: John Malooly 73270,2624 Here is how I get into 8 bit with the 600. 1. Go Terminal and change only the Parity from EVEN to ZERO. As soon as you hit ENTER after this choice, your Compuserve settings will change, so that now most letters will be preceded by one or more of these symbols ~~~ ( produced by CTRL+= while off line ,in Edit.) This will still be legible, and CIS will still respond to your keyboard. 2. Now press CTRL+C enough times to stop this abnormal display. 3. Press SHIFT + ESC, M, to get to your settings. 4. TAB 3 times to word length 7 and press SPACE to go to 8. 5. TAB once to go to Parity EVEN. Space twice to change EVEN to NONE. 6. Press ENTER to return to Telcom menu. 7. Press C to resume connection. 8. Make whatever choice needed to resume the flow after the CTRL C interupt. If you used CTRL S to stop the flow, you may need to use CTRL Q to resume. CIS will now continue but will be legible and normal looking. If you now sign off or continue, Compuserve, before continuing, will ask you if you wish to keep these settings or have them apply only to this one time use of Compuserve. You are now in 8 bit. This will enable you to read/download 8 bit material in the library, although you will not be able to use it unless you have the facilities. So far as I know, you cannot upload pre-prepared messages in 8 bit. If you leave your CIS Terminal at ZERO and your Modify settings at 8N, the next time you log on to Compuserve, you will get something like: Ho