______________________________________________________________________________ | File Name : CLEMCOMM.ASC | Online Date : 05/18/95 | | Contributed by : Josef Hasslberger| Dir Category : ENERGY | | From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 | | A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences | | KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 | | Voice/FAX : (214) 324-8741 InterNet - keelynet@ix.netcom.com | | WWW sites - http://www.eskimo.com/~billb & http://www.protree.com | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| The file CLEM1.ASC and CLEM1.GIF as derived from information provided by Mr. Albert Holman and a Dallas newspaper article are available on KeelyNet, either as separate files or both bundled as CLEM2.ZIP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments to CLEM1.ASC Richard Clem's rotational engine Although I do not have any information on Clem or his device, I would like to comment on the principle of operation, which seems quite simple and straightforward to all who have studied the writings of Viktor Schauberger, the Austrian naturalist and inventor. Indeed Schauberger was working with vortex action in liquids (especially in water) and was finding effects that were at the time, and are still now, unexplainable with the normal principles of physics or thermodynamics. As far as I understand the engine made by Clem was built around a cone with spiralling channels cut into it and when a liquid, in this case vegetable oil, got pressed through the channels, they caused the cone to turn and at a certain point the flow of the liquid and the turning of the cone became self- sustaining, up to the point of putting out a good and heavy (350 HP for 200 pounds of engine) power output. As I said, this is not surprising if one is familiar with the work of Schauberger. In the USA, there is one person I know of who has researched Viktor Schauberger's work in depth and who is trying to disseminate the vortex technology that grew out of Schauberger's work, through a publication called Energy Unlimited and a newsletter ("Causes"). His name and address: Walter Baumgartner P.O.Box 493 Magdalena, New Mexico 87825-0493 telephone (505) 854-2634 To return to the Clem engine, the principle of this machine is based on the fact that vortices in liquids under certain circumstances are self- accelerating and may be used to actual work. One example of this in nature is the tornado, that may reach very high inherent energies without apparent input from the outside. Schauberger used this principle before the second world war, to run a small turbine for electric energy production that is said to have had an output of approximately nine times that a conventional turbine would have had with the same amount of water and the same altitude differential. He patented his turbine and the patent is described in a separate article of mine. It is not known for certain what this effect is based on. From my view there are two possibilities: 1) A vortex "absorbs" ambient heat and utilizes the energy contained in it to augment its own motion. As heat is in fact molecular or atomic motion (absolute zero being the absence of any motion of this kind), a vortex could conceivably be able to direct that motion into one direction, thus ending up with a) decreased environmental temperature and b) increased motion. Both factors seem to hold true for vortices. 2) The second possibility is that the vortex motion, being the most congenial motion to the ether or space background, is a means of tapping the inherent energy in space, also variously called zero-point energy, space energy or gravity field energy. A vortex, especially fast-turning and especially in dense material, may be "assisted" in its motion by a vortex forming in the space background or ether, that will eventually give up energy to the vortex in the fluid. These two explanations are not mutually exclusive and both mechanisms may be at work. They are at this time speculative attempts to explain properties of vortices. Although the explanations are speculative, the properties of vortices as such are not. They have been observed and measured and are shown to us daily by nature. What Schauberger (and now Clem) have done is that they have found a way to harness a phenomenon that has found little or no attention from the scientific community. The implications of this for energy production are enormous as can be readily seen reading the file CLEM1.ASC. Josef Hasslberger Rome, Italy 17/5/1995 email: j.hasslberger@agora.stm.it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------