(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 There are ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS on duplicating, publishing or distributing the files on KeelyNet! December 10, 1990 DEISM.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- A very interesting letter appeared in a Dear Abby column concerning the subject of DEISM. This rings so true with the principles we try to practice here at KeelyNet and Vangard Sciences that it deserves inclusion on the board. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Abby : I recently saw an item in the RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH, written by Stan H. Covington Jr., which read "The Associated Press reported that during an interview with CBS, Saddam Hussein said, 'God is on our side, and Satan is on the side of the United States.' " I wonder where Saddam received his "revelation." Perhaps he's holding Adolf Hitler's old astrologer hostage, also. During World War II, while I was serving with the 3rd Army in Germany, I removed a belt buckle from the uniform of a dead soldier. The lettering on the buckle read: " Gott Mit Uns (God is With Us) " That started me to thinking: Can religion be taught without teaching bigotry as well? If one teaches, for example, that having a particular faith MAKES ONE A BETTER PERSON, is the teacher NOT ALSO IMPLYING THAT THE NON-BELIEVER IS AN INFERION ONE?? An experienced and motivated teacher might be able to do so, but how many parents or members of the clergy have BOTH THE WILL and the SKILL TO DO SO? Teaching "tolerance" alone is INADEQUATE in that it STILL IMPLIES that the other fellow is WRONG, but should be TOLERATED ANYWAY. As long as the "true believer" is taught that he is in any way SUPERIOR to the non-believer, he is well on his way to becoming a qualified BIGOT, RELIGIOUS FANATIC or member of one of the many HATE GROUPS that have been spawned by such teachings through the ages. Page 1 To the extent that your column encourages readers to THINK FOR THEMSELVES and to realize that there is nothing more wrong than SELF-RIGHTOUSNESS, you will have again performed a great social service. Having only recently learned of its definition and noted adherents, please sign me "A Deist," and let your readers research the term for themselves. - A Deist in Mollusk, VA. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Deist: My research begins with the dictionary, and it tells me that a deist is one who believes in the EXISTENCE OF GOD on the evidence of REASON and NATURE, with REJECTION of SUPERNATURAL REVELATION. We are a nation of people living together with varying religions. Our Constitution allows us freedom of religion, which includes the freedom NOT TO BELIEVE. So, be advised that atheists and non-believers are also regarded as FULL-FLEDGED CITIZENS. That's what freedom is all about. -------------------------------------------------------------------- I was not aware of this belief system of DEISM until this article. My dictionary shows the following : de-ism - a movement or system of thought advocating natural religion based on human reason RATHER than revelation, emphasizing MORALITY, and in the 18th century DENYING THE INTERFERENCE OF THE CREATOR with the Laws of the Universe. The DEIST conception is very appropriate to the Keely system of Harmonies within Nature. All that IS, is manifested through harmonies and disharmonies. This includes the GESTALTIC (group-mind) concept of a superior order resulting from a combination of lesser components which singly and separately could not possibly evolve to such a high level. The Greek idea of the Sacred Tetractys best describes how lesser forms unite to create more complex and thus more organized forms. To best explain this, an excerpt is included from the file NEUTRAL1 on KeelyNet : -------------------------------------------------------------------- *** TRINITY AND SIGNATURES *** A fundamental frequency is generated and sustained by two other frequencies which each in turn are generated and sustained by two other frequencies, ad infinitum.. Page 2 Fundamental 2 3 4 5 6 7 This pattern continues throughout the physical and energy body of an individualized structure and is the basis of the SACRED TETRACTYS of the Greeks. * < -------- Fundamental * * < ------- Harmonics * * * < ------ Harmonics * * * * < ----- Harmonics We can now see how tuning to the Fundamental will give a certain degree of "sympathy" to a mass aggregation. This appears to be the basis for the trinity as manifest in all creation in the physical forms of PUSH, PULL AND BALANCE. As we tune to successively finer frequencies IN ADDITION to those preceding, we find progressively more precise sympathetic linking to allow remote stimulation and control of the target aggregation. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference on the part of the creator (or any other entity capable of comprehending and altering energy flows) would constitute a warping of the natural order of the Universe normally based on and ruled by the laws of Harmony. I heretofore considered myself an Agnostic, of the opinion that God is unknowable to the mind of Man. Gnostic being to know from direct experience, Noetic being to know from abstract inspiration. This Deist concept merits more study. It "resonates" with that special ring of truth. Definitely worthy of more study. -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3