Message-I Here is a batch file that move files into a directory and numbering the extensions from 000-999. It is a Self-Modifying Batch File so there would be no need for an external control file to store the extension number. -------------NMove.BAT-------------------- @echo off loadbtm on if not exist %1 .or. not isdir %2 goto Help setlocal gosub Init_Ext ::-----Auto-cycle from 000-999-000-999... for %f in (%1) ( move %f %2\%@name[%f].%ext set ext=%@instr[2,-3,00%@inc[%ext]] ) gosub Save_Ext quit :Help beep text NMove.BAT v1.0 - Numeric Move - Phi Nguyen 01.12.96 Usage: NMove filespec destination_directory Example: NMove mails.* d:\mail\bwave\dl enxtext quit 1 :Save_Ext set handle=%@fileopen[%_batchname,append,b] if %handle eq -1 (beep %+ echo Can't update extension %+ quit 2) set nul=%@fileseek[%handle,-15,2] set nul=%@filewriteb[%handle,3,%ext] set nul=%@fileclose[%handle] return :Init_Ext set ext=000 return -------------NMove.BAT-------------------- It requires 4DOS. Since this is a SMBF, it is a good idea not to mess around with the Init_Ext routine. Do not remove the leading spaces in front of every line. Phi ... One lie always leads to another. -!- GEcho 1.11+ ! Origin: The Transporter Room: 16 lines, Internet Access 704/567-9513 (1:379/1)