//////////////////// //////////// ToneLoc Utilities Phun-Pak v.03á!!! //////////////////// Yes! Amaze and astound your friends. Get all the best in scanning in 1/10th the time! Use PRESCAN to fill ToneLoc Datafiles with known exchange data. Usage: prescan [/a] ...the ascii file must be a sorted file of four-digit numbers, one on a line (see dox.com for details...) Data type is voice, busy, timeout, etc. The /a switch appends existing datafiles instead of overwriting them. Also included in this limited edition once-in-a-lifetime deal are: TLMod -- modify data in your ToneLoc Datafiles! Usage: tlmod ...great for blanking out busy responses in your files: >>> tlmod xxx.dat busy undialed Combine -- combine two existing TL files! combine [output file] ...combine defaults to COMBINED.DAT for output. Use this to piece together separate scans in a single exchange... SortX -- sort a list of exchange numbers ...SortX will sort your ascii exchange files to use with PreScan... ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ...the ToneLoc Utilities were written by: ¯¯ Arthur P. Dent, esq. ...additional ideas, fruit salad, and a little code debugging provided by: ¯¯ Elvis Presley ....... ....... . . . . . . . . . "...it could be worse, . . . . but entropy takes time..." . . . . . ...... ...... ayForward Technologies, inc. //