SUBJECT: ANTIGRAVITY FILE: UFO84 PART 2 His conclusions were that free electrons in the metal were spun out by centrifugal force, a centripetal force being produced by the static field in the metal.He decided to build a generator based on the principal. It had a segmented rotor disc,passing through electromagnets at its periphery. the electromagnets were energized from the rotor,and were intended to boost the EMF. By 1952 the first generator had been constructed and was about three feet in diameter. It was tested in the open by searl and a friend. The armature was set in motion by a small engine.The device produced the expected electrical power, but at a unexpectedly high potential. at relatively low armature speeds a potential of the order of 10 5 (ten to the power of five) was produced, as indicated by the static effects on near objects. A characteristic crackling and the smell of ozone supported his conclusion.The really unxpected then occured.While still speeding up the generator lifted and rose to a height of fifty feet,breaking the union between itself and the engine. Here it stayed for a while still speeding up and surrounding itself with a pink halo,this indicated ionization of the air at a much reduced pressure of about 1-3 mm Hg.More interesting was the side effect,causing local radio receivers to go on on their own accord! This could have been due to ionizing disharge electromagnetic induction.Finally and perhaps thankfully the whole generator accelerated at a fantastic rate and is thought to have gone off into space. Since that day Searl had made some 10 or more small flying craft some of which have been similary lost,and developed a form of control. Larger craft have also been built - some 12 ft and two 30ft in dia. The antics of his machines have given rise to much speculation as to the origin of so called "flying saucers" specially in the area of Warminster in Wilshire. One wonders why Searl has not come to the notice of scientists and the public at large. The fact is that "he has;but for fear of being ridiculed, people keep the knowlege or interest to themselves. the public has been educated to scoff at the subject of flying saucers and the reported behaviour of the things cannot be explained on current scientific theory. Such " difficult to explain" topics( as telepathy,dowsing,homeopathic healing,etc) must be given the "no comment" treatment so not to upset the uncertain structure of present scientific theory. Searl"s records do show however that his efforts have not gone unnoticed. Goverment departments and people of all classes and education know about him. Some have attempted to steal the idea, but their thinking along the lines of electromagetic theory and the law of conservation of mass and energy,has misled the more confused of them.This narrow thinking has made many to conclude that searl is a crank or imposter. Also some are prejudiced in their attitude that new ideas are the prerogative of a hierarchy of intellectuals. It is susppected that Searl is to come up with something more momentous than his games with power lines and the unsuspecting motorist. In that event, the convensional thinker must be ready to adapt the Searl effect into existing theory. or chance the alternative fate of a complete disruption revisal of physical theory from Ampere,Galvani,and Volta onwards. Any theory must explain these verious phenomena,some of which have been observed by Searl himself and some by the general public. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************