SUBJECT: THE FARMER AND THE COSMONAUTS FILE: UFO124 PART 3 But why was it that Meier was chosen? Wendelle Stevens believes he knows the answer: "They told him that they had been in contact with him before in other lifetimes." Such an idea might, of course, occur to someone who had spent two years listening to the kind of conversation that takes place daily in an ashram. But Meier's belief is a little more elaborate, according to Stevens's testimony: "They said that their ancestors had contacted him during prior incarnations on Earth. They told him that he was one of them who had been caught in an Earth evolution by his own choice several thousand years ago. Since his soul patterns were more akin to them it was registered in their computers. Supposedly, they could find him wherever he was. As he was one of them and familiar with their mission, his soul could understand ideas communicated to him better than our souls could." The Pleiadean computer, it will be noted, is obviously a remarkable piece of machinery, able to record 'soul patterns'... Genesis III do not mention any analysis of the notes made by Meier of his contacts with the Pleiadeans. But Jim Lorenzen of APRO quotes Dr James Hurtak, a language specialist who has taken the opportunity to read most of the 3000 pages of the "Semjase correspondence" in the original German. "The linguistic use of Egyptian-Aramaic and Egyptian-Hebrew names ... is latterday patchwork," he says. " All this shifting play of correspondence by which everything ... is cheated of its individual logic creates a mood of pensive jesting ... and even sublime travesty. By all the standards of genuine 'ancient knowledge' ... this civilization which lays claim to being 3000 years into the future has not offered much in the way of a quantum jump over what our ancestors had 5000 years ago (in the way of intellectual transformation)." ... (The Pleiadeans display) a Zen-like combination of fierce moral comment and studied indifference (which) is driven home by various quasi-mystical utterances by the cosmonauts. Some examples: 'Man should know that the God force is quite simply that of creation, and that man also ... is subject to creation and respectively complementary to it.' 'Material life on Earth is only a passing event, a phenomenon vanishing after a time. However, before him and after him there continues to exist the creative presence of the universe.' 'When the spirit, this universal self, manifests itself in the human being through constant love, wisdom and truth, then a major breakthrough occurs in the surrounding self-veils which eliminates the physical-material urge of greed, anger, hate, averice, war...' "The aliens gave Meier the most sought after prize of all - wisdom," remarks Kal Korff, adding: "It was very basic wisdom indeed." Certainly, reading through the pronouncements on life, the Universe and everything that Semjase condescended to give Meier, one is embarassed by their halt-familier triviality. The photographs taken by "Billy" Meier of Pleiadean spacecraft as they flew around the valleys near Hinwell, Switzerland, are among the most striking UFO pictures ever published ... on closer look, certain patterns in the pictures emerge -- and certain suspicions are aroused. Is it coincidence, for example, that so many pictures seem to show the flying disc at exactly the same angle to the camera, despite the very different locations and times of day at which the photographs were supposedly taken? Why do the reflections and shadows on the Pleiadean spaceships appear the same, too, despite the various backgrounds? Why are the undersides of the craft so dark -- as they would be if they were models, say, close to the camera? Is there any significance to the massive preponderance of shots in which the craft are shown against a clear, light sky -- the best type of background on which to superimpose a UFO image? End of part 3 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************