SUBJECT: INVENTOR OF "UFO MAGNET" KIDNAPPED BY SPACE ALIENS ! FILE: UFO1005 BY SAM MORGAN FOR WWN San Jose, Costa Rica - The engineering genius who developed a UFO magnet to bring starships to Earth vanished without a trace when a huge starship landed in a field beside his house - and spirited him off to outer space! That's the mindtwisting report from UFO investigators who say Carl Stone spent eight long years perfecting the device that not only attracted a UFO, but cost him his freedom - and possibly his life. People like to think of space aliens as being kind and gentle but we have ab- solutely no evidence to support that belief, said Karl Iverson, lead investi- gator for the UFO research group, Sky Clue International. By any yardstick you wish to measure it with, the kidnapping of Mr. Stone was a criminal act. If other human beings were responsible, the authorities would pursue them relentlessly and throw them in jail - or worse. My heart goes out to Mr. Stone, but the fact is, he got what he wished for. The bigger issue is how far mankind is willing to let extraterrestrials go. Should these creatures be subject to human laws, such as kidnapping and murder? If so, how are we going to apprehend and punish them? If we aren't going to punish them, why not? These are the questions we should be addressing now that we know extraterrest- rials are coming to Earth and interacting with mankind. Stone first made international headlines when he introduced his futuristic UFO Attractor at a trade show in New York back in 1992. The Louisiana born engineer, who moved his laboratory to Costa Rica in 1987, announced plans to sell the handheld devices to the public for $79.95. He explained that the attractors had a range of five miles, and said they att- racted extraterrestrials and starships by emitting a super high frequency rad- io signal. He also warned people not to buy them unless they were willing to accept what he called the consequences of bringing space aliens to your door. And in fact, the devices sold poorly in Europe and Asia and were never intro- duced in the United States. Police in Costa Rica declined to comment on the case, citing the continuing nature of their investigation. But they did confirm reports of a UFO sighting by hundreds of citizens just minutes before Stone was abducted. Police were alerted by a neighbor who saw the starship land in a field beside Stone's house. But all the investigators found were strange, pod like footpri- nts in the engineer's yard - and a still humming UFO Attractor lying in the dirt beside his back door. It's pretty obvious what happened to him, Iverson said. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************