SUBJECT: Alien Abductions by Dr Karla Turner FILE: UFO1018 PART 4 An even more bizarre event happened to a woman in the Southwest during her encounter. She said she was "removed" from her body and stored in some inexplicable way, still aware, however, and able to communicate with her captors. They told her that another entity was now using her body, that it was going through all her regular activities, and that no one would be able to tell the difference. The day after the abduction when she returned to her job, she found that her body had indeed been at work, even though she herself was somewhere else. 'INTERDIMENSIONAL BEING'. These alien intruders apparently can behave and appear in a variety of ways. In one man's experience, a human-looking woman often appeared, although she claimed she was an interdimensional being whose real appearance was not what the abductee saw. At times she would be "completely there" and very three-dimensional, but at other times only her head would be visible, or her head and hands. The evidence from several cases also shows that the aliens have an odd interest in our animals, yet this is hardly mentioned in standard abduction research. During a period of intense ET activity in my family's life, for instance, our dog was somehow moved one night from a fenced back yard into a locked garage. And the same dog, conversely, woke us up one morning barking in the back yard, when it had been put in a locked garage the night before. In both cases, there was no sign that either the gate or the garage door had been opened. The old dog was quite blind, at any rate, and would have had trouble getting anywhere, even if both passageways had been clear. PET PUZZLER. Transporting dogs turned up again in the case of a UFO researcher. Her dog slept outside, yet in the middle of the night she was awakened by his wet tongue on her face. She and the dog were in her bed, but her bedroom door was still locked, as was the outside door, and there were two other doors closed in between them. Horses also have been moved, leaving their abductee-owners to track them down in corrals far distant from where the animals had been locked away for the night. It's hard to imagine the purpose of such events, yet they are part of the larger phenomenon and must have some relevance. There also seems to be a connection between abductions and the disappearance or appearance of possessions and other objects. One of the more humorous episodes occurred when a researcher was visiting another city and staying as a guest in our home. The day had been spent in work with other abductees, and that evening the group ordered Chinese food. PREFERRED UTENSILS APPEAR. As we sat eating the food, the researcher remarked that she preferred eating Chinese food with chopsticks, but we didn't have any. After the meal, the researcher went to her room then returned moments later with a very puzzled expression. "I thought you didn't have any chopsticks," she told my husband. "And I certainly didn't mean for you to go out and buy them! But thank you anyway for being so thoughtful." She held out a pair of chopsticks wrapped in paper and smiled. "Where did you get those?" he asked in amazement. "They were on my bed," she replied. "Didn't you put them there?" "Of course not!" he exclaimed. "There aren't--weren't--any chopsticks in the house, I promise you. And I haven't gone anywhere!" Other objects have appeared out of nowhere, such as metal balls falling from abductees' bodies when they rose from their beds the morning after an encounter. In another instance, a mother saw what looked like a white book floating horizontally in her son's bedroom, but when she went in, there was no book to be seen. In one abductee's home, a fish disappeared from their aquarium, and then it reappeared ten days later, twice as large as it had been. Within 24 hours, however, it died, as did all the other fish in the tank. WOMEN IN DISTRESS. Perhaps the most remarkable and disturbing set of cases concerned two women I know but who are unacquainted with each other. The first woman awoke one morning to find her bed soaked with blood. It was during her menstrual cycle, yet she was surprised to have bled so profusely as to soak through the tampon she had inserted before going to bed. When she went to the bathroom to clean up, she could find no tampon to remove. Frantically she searched her bed, the bedroom, and finally her entire apartment, but the tampon had disappeared. A few days later, she related the incident to me, but neither of us knew what to make of it. A month passed, and I received a call from the second woman, who lived far away from me. She was perplexed by an event of the previous night and wanted to tell someone about it. This woman was having her menstrual cycle also, and the night before had put on a sanitary pad before going to bed. Several hours later, she woke up and decided to go change the pad, as she was an unusually heavy bleeder. In surprise, however, she found the pad was spotless, and then she felt something inside her. She told me that she removed the tampon, but couldn't understand how it had gotten there. "I haven't used tampons in ten years," she said, "so this doesn't make any sense." ANOMALIES IN 'TYPICAL' REPORTS. Anomalies have turned up in some cases that might otherwise seem to follow the "typical" abduction sequence of going into the "ship," undergoing an examination and being returned with little or no memory. Sometimes, for instance, the surroundings in the "ship" are described as messy or dirty, with foul odors and signs of sloppy housekeeping. Sometimes the interior is said to be crowded, buzzing with numerous entities engaged in rapid, inexplicable movements from place to place. Even more unusual are those accounts of abductions to inner space rather than outer space. In these cases, abductees tell of being taken into large underground complexes, and their descriptions very often include earthly--perhaps military-- apparatus as well as the presence of both humans and aliens working together. These underground areas are reached through long vertical or corkscrewing tunnels, the abductees say, and in one case the place looked like a movie set of an old Western town. 'BATHROOM SETTINGS'. A third anomalous episode, which may have taken place aboard a craft or in an underground setting, involves abductees taken into "bathroom" settings. There they are made to get into "stalls" with or without toilets, and in most cases the abductees are thoroughly frightened by the events that occur in these surroundings, often having to do with examination of their sexual organs. Most of these anomalous details have come from a relatively small group of abductees, yet similar cases are known elsewhere. In the instance of the odd scar, which began this discussion, there are cases of the triangular pattern turning up all over the world, yet no prominent researcher has acknowledged this. The scoop marks and straight-line cuts are well known, but just as frequent are less permanent scars and marks. Single, double and multiple puncture marks appear on abductees' bodies, as do wide paths of subcutaneous purplish smears, triangles and other shapes made by skin discoloration rather than punctures, and long claw- mark scratches, usually numerous, accompanied by even longer welts of unbroken skin. CHALLENGE TO 'POSITIVE' THEORIES. As to researchers who claim that the ETs are here to help us evolve some higher consciousness or that they are here for some other positive purpose--saving our plant, promoting world peace, etc.--I challenge those researchers to incorporate anomalous data into this view. What about those people who suffer total breakdowns after their experiences? What about those who undergo wild personality changes, who find themselves obsessed with deviant sexual behavior they never had before, often leading to the breakup of marriages and friendships? These things have happened numerous times, but no researcher has yet explained the higher purpose behind such results. Particularly disturbing are those cases where previously healthy individuals have an ET encounter and then develop debilitating or terminal illnesses. It is well known that many women suffer gynecological problems after their experiences, often leading to hysterectomies. But other instances have shown the development of severe fatigue, horrible swelling and itching, and even cancer. Where are the positive effects in these cases? Theories are starting places for research, not proven conclusions, and UFO researchers must be willing to expand and alter their pet theories according to the data they uncover. It would be wonderful if we could shape ET experiences into something positive, but until the details of abduction encounters--all the details--are given serious consideration, I think it's dangerous to cling to theories that ignore data that will not fit. We owe it to ourselves to seek the whole truth. (Karla Turner, Ph.D. received her doctorate in English studies from the University of North Texas and was a university teaching fellow for over a decade. Author of the recently-released Into the Fringe, she has researched the UFO phenomenon and worked with abductees since 1988.) End ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. 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