SUBJECT: The Majestic Twelve FILE: UFO1050 PART 7 NOTE!...This document was given to ---------- on 10/04/88 by 4 persons who for obvious reasons must remain anonymous at this time. This document becomes extremely important when viewed along with other documents and information. It becomes even more important when compared with PROJECT EXCALIBUR which comes under MAJESTIC TWELVE/AQUARIUS. PROJECT EXCALIBUR's mission is to develop a weapon which will penetrate the earth to 1/2 mile and then detonate a nuclear weapon in order to destroy the alien underground base in New Mexico. ************************************************************* Notes from WX Division: September 9, 1988 1. There is an unprecedented push to develop a missile that is capable of penetrating 1,000 meters of earth prior to detonating. 2. The device under development carries a 1 megaton warhead. 3. Some requirements & comments given to WX division were as follows: A. "The device must be capable of penetrating 1,000 meters of tufa/hard pack soil and sustain no operational damage. This type of soil is commonly found in New Mexico, where we will be conducting the penetration tests." B. "Missile apogee must not exceed 30,000 feet AGL." C. "Impact deviation will not exceed 50 meters." D. "We believe the Russians have constructed under ground bases in the Soviet Union 500 to 1,000 meters deep. Since their soil is the same that is found in New Mexico, accurate tests can be performed here (New Mexico). Fallout shelters that deep are far too expensive for the United States to construct." 4. The YY-II facility is located in Los Alamos at the rear of the "ice cave". The "ice cave" or "ice" as it is sometimes called, is a high security installation cut into the side of the mesa Los Alamos sits on. The entrance is via the road under the diamond street bridge. Macdonald's restaurant is directly over the facility. Entrance into the cave can be seen by leaning over the cliff behind Macdonalds. YY-II is double faraday shielded, the reason given was "to attenuate computer emissions". It would seem strange to do this however, since the cave is surrounded by a 200 foot thick wall of rock. 5. An additional note: contrary to information given to WX division, the topsoil & underlying earth in the Soviet Union is not similar in density nor composition to that of New Mexico soil. (NOTE! WX = experimental weapons) end of part 7 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************