SUBJECT: UFO INFO Service Reports FILE: UFO1118 PART 35 Report #: 193 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 11-26-1986 Subject: PHOENIX, AZ CASE TYPE: LRS - NL DATE: 15 NOVEMBER 1986 TIME: 2405 HOURS DURATION: UNKNOWN WITNESSES: SEVEN SOURCE: CENTER FOR UFO RESEARCH -------------------------------------- Seven witnesses stepped out on the front porch and observed a strange light very high and going very fast in the sky. They saw a triangular shaped craft which they said appeared to be flying on its side. They actually saw the triangular shape facing them as it went by. The triangle had say 120 degrees on the wide angle and then 230 degrees. It was flying very smooth. They said it had the smoothness of a balloon, low on the horizon. It disappeared after going across the sky in about 10 seconds. In that time it did about a 40 degree arc. It was a white light with very tiny white lights all over the triangle shape. Was moving from northwest to southwest toward area called South Mountain. There was no wind at all. If they put their arms out the object was about 2 1/2 thumbs width size. They said the lights on it did not seem to be projecting out from it but almost looked like window lights, like lights coming from within. All witnesses were college graduates and professionals. -------------------------------------- Report #: 194 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 11-26-1986 Subject: CHICAGO, IL CASE TYPE: LRS - NL DATE: 12 SEPTEMBER 1986 TIME: 1030 - 1345 HOURS DURATION: UNKNOWN WITNESSES: MANY SOURCE: CENTER FOR UFO RESEARCH -------------------------------------- One witness, a driver for a messenger service, was driving down highway 53 south bound and looked up because he thought he saw something that looked like a helicopter and then realized it wasn't a helicopter and thought it was a balloon because it looked kind of floating. People were pulled over to the side of the road. He pulled over and couldn't talk to the other people as they were on the other side of the express way. Everyone was looking at the object. He said it was shaped like a horseshoe, the legs were thicker than the top of the horseshoe and it was round side up and had like a little nob at the top. He said it was two or three times larger than a helicopter would be. Floating up in the clouds it seemed like it was slowly rotating around. He said it seemed like it was behaving like a balloon. When it was facing the sun it had a reddish color. It seemed like it was in tatters from on leg. Then for about two or three minutes there was a group of smaller objects, about 25-30 objects, flying around the larger object. The smaller objects were the thickness of the legs or larger, about 5-6 feet across. About 1/2 width of thumb. When the object got closer to him it was harder to distinguish the shape of the large object and easier for smaller objects. He drove about 4 minutes away and looked back again and it was gone. He called Addison police three days later and a women dispatcher answered and he asked if there had been any reports of anyone seeing anything going along highway 53 on September 12, 1986 around noon or so and she sounded very excited and asked him to hold on a minute. While waiting he heard a mans on the line saying switch him over to number such and such. At this point he felt paranoid. Then she came back on the phone and asked him to continue on so he asked again if anybody had seen anything and she said no they hadn't. He said in that case never mind and hung up. -------------------------------------- Report #: 195 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 12-01-1986 Subject: WINCHESTER, VA CASE TYPE: CE I DATE: 25 NOVEMBER 1986 TIME: 2310 HOURS DURATION: 05: MINUTES WITNESSES: TWO SOURCE: NATIONAL UFO RESEARCH CENTER -------------------------------------- Near Winchester, Virginia two witnesses were driving along highway 671 and they spotted two white bright lights, very large, very bright, in the distance. Witness stopped the truck to watch them. When the truck stopped the lights started to move. They approached the truck and stopped directly overhead. Witness looked up and could see a big circular object with colored lights. The object remained stationary for several minutes at an altitude of about 200 yards with no sound. The object was described as being very big. The witness driving decided it was no place to be and took off driving at speeds up to 80 and 90 mph and the object had no problem keeping up with them. The object was slightly to the drivers side and after about five minutes the object swerved to the right, passed directly over the truck and sped away. -------------------------------------- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************