SUBJECT: UFO INFO Service Reports FILE: UFO1123 PART 40 Report #: 8 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-30-1986 Location: COMBRE MARTIN, ENGLAND CASE TYPE: LRS DATE: 10 JULY 1986 TIME: 2330 HOURS APPROX. CFN#: 08 DURATION: 01: HOUR WITNESSES: SEVEN SOURCE: NORTH DEVON JOURNAL, ENGLAND ---------------------------------------- A fiery "UFO" has been spotted over Combre Martin. Mr. James Quemby, first saw the object over two weeks ago and has since seen it on five occassions always at about 11:30pm, above Yellaton Farm. "It is an orange disc like object, the colour of an oil lamp." he says. "It appears to rise from behind the hill known as the "crags" and then stay stationary in the sky for roughly an hour." Mr. Quemby's daughter and three grandchildren have also seen the object, together with two neighbours. One neighbour, Mrs. Beryl Irwin, says: "At first I thought it was a star, but then a brilliant light flashed and it disappeared." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report #: 9 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-30-1986 Location: CORDOBA, ARGENTINA CASE TYPE: LRS - DD DATE: 12 MARCH 1986 TIME: EARLY MORNING CFN#: 09 DURATION: 02: HOURS PLUS WITNESSES: MANY SOURCE: LA TERCERA DE LA HORA, CHILE ---------------------------------------- City and country of incident: Uritorco Hill, Cordoba, Argentina Date of incident: March 13, 1986 Name of paper and date of clip: LA TERCERA DE LA HORA, March 13, 1986 City and country of newspaper: Santiago, Chile (CREDIT: Jorge Anfruns - TRANSLATION CREDIT: Jane Guma) SPECTACULAR EVENT TRANSMITTED DIRECTLY BY A RADIO STATION - UFO FLEET LANDED IN FRONT OF WITNESSES Cordoba, Argentina, March 13 (AFP) - Four UFOs landed in the early hours of this morning in a hilly area of Cordoba province, and many witnesses are on the spot watching the phenomenon, which is being transmitted directly by a local radio station. The UFOs "have a big white light on one side and a red one on the other side," said the reporter who went to the landing place. The Cordoba radio station (located 710 kilometers to the north of Buenoa Aires) interrupted its program at 03.10 GMT to transmit the news and describe "enormous saucers with intense red and white lights that came out of its windows." A few minutes later a direct transmission was made from the La Cruz hill, which is located some 5 kilometers from the Uritorco hill (160 kilometers NW of Cordoba) where the UFOs landed. A reporter said that one of the objects "took off and approached the place where the group of observers was, scaring us a bit." He also added that the craft remained "motionless for several hours." The transmission continued at 11.15 GMT and the reporter said that a group formed by several UFO fans, three photographers and a nurse were accompanying him. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Report #: 10 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 09-30-1986 Location: TALARA, PERU CASE TYPE: CE I DATE: 12 MARCH 1986 TIME: 2005 HOURS CFN#: 10 DURATION: 10: SECONDS WITNESSES: MANY SOURCE: LA TERCERA DE LA HORA, CHILE ---------------------------------------- City and country of incident: Talara, Peru Date of incident: March 12, 1986 Name of paper and date of clip: LA TERCERA DE LA HORA, March 14, 1986 City and country of newspaper: Santiago, Chile (CREDIT: Jorge Anfruns - TRANSLATION CREDIT: Jane Guma) IT CROSSED THE FIELD AT AN ALTITUDE OF LESS THAN 30 METERS - A UFO PARADED IN FRONT OF 200 PEOPLE WHO WERE WATCHING A FOOTBALL GAME Lima, March 13 (AFP) - The sudden appearance of a UFO last night stopped a football game that was being played in a stadium of the Peruvian city of Talara, 1,070 kilometers north of lima, according to reports received today. The strange ship few over the field at an altitude of less than 30 meters above the ground, and was seen by some 200 people in the "Petroperu" stadium. "We could clearly see that strong red and green light beams were coming out of its front. It also irradiated a yellow light that turned into day the area it few over," said Donaldo Duque, referee of the game that was being played between the local teams Alamo and Casa Gin. The UFOs appeared around 8.05 PM on Wednesday night. According to some witnesses, the phenomenon lasted no more than 10 seconds. This appearance is added to the report that four "flying saucers" landed Wednesday morning in a hilly area of Cordoba province, in Argentina, an event that was witnessed by many people. The spectacular landing was transmitted directly by a radio station from Cordoba, whose reporters went there after being alerted by the local residents. The transmission described the ships as "enormous saucers with intense red and white lights coming out of its windows." The reporter describing the spectacular event added that one of the objects took off and approached the place where the observers were, scaring them. Then UFOs remained motionless for several hours. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************