SUBJECT: BIBLE'S UFO CONNECTION FILE: UFO1243 Many scholars and scientists claim that variety of references in the Bible, expecially in Genesis, prove the UFOs influenced human development and that modern man may even have descended from aliens mating with humans. Fuyval Abrams, and Israeli scholar, even believes that Adam and Eve were space travelers who crash landed on Earth, and the the Garden of Eden was actually a space ship. There were others on the spaceship, but when it crashed they spread out to other parts of the world, he says. These aliens mated with primitive humans who were already on earth, Abrams adds. The Bible mentions the sons of God - aliens - mating with the daughters of men - humans. Helmut Roche, a French astrophysicist and biblical expert, claims humans did not develop on earth but came from another planet to colonize Earth. References to UFOs and aliens are common in the Bible, he argues. These include Enoch ascending to heaven on a fiery pillar and Ezekiel leaving earth in a blazing chariot. Roche says Sodom and Gomorra were destroyed by a nuclear bomb and the cloud of fire that led the Israelites during their 40 years int ehdesert was a UFO. He believes the mysterious and fearsome Ark of the Covenant which destroyed the Israelites enemies with lightening and fire was in fact an alien ray gun, with a mighty powerful blast. SUBJECT: WHAT HAPPENED TO ADAM AND EVE? According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden for disobeying God were forced to work for their daily bread. They also lost the gift of eternal life and were no longer allowed to mingle with angels. They apparently settled on the east side of the Garden, not far from the entrance, which was guarded by an angel with a flaming sword. Like Israeli scholar Fuyval Abrams, Dr. Brain Barnes, a British expert, believes Adam and Eve were aliens and the Garden of Eden was a spaceship. The craft provided Adam and Eve with food, which it produced synthetically and protected them from the harshness of Earth's environment, he explains. But after years aboard the ship waiting to be rescued, its machines broke down and Adam and Eve were forced to leave it and live among primitive humans in the area. The sons and daughters of adam and Eve eventually mated with these primitive humans and produced children, who became our forefathers. Throughout their long lives, Barnes says, Adam and Eve probably never went far from the disabled UFO in case a rescue partyh came for them. Others, like archeologist Neal Hogan, agree with Helmut Roche's colomial theory and say Adam and Eve were eventually taken back to their home planet, leaving behind their children and grandchildren. Adam and Eve and their children literally lived hundreds of years because they were aliens, says Hogan. But the hybrids, off spring of the aliens and primitive humans like Abraham, lived much shorter lives. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************