SUBJECT: FEDERAL GOVT. LIES, KEEPS ALIEN INFO SECRET FILE: UFO1265 NEWS CLIPPING SERVICE DATE OF ARTICLE: February 9, 1989 SOURCE OF ARTICLE: Monroe Courier LOCATION: Trumbull, Conneticut BYLINE: None ======================================================== (C) Copyright 1989 ParaNet Information Service All Rights Reserved. THIS FILE WAS PROVIDED BY THE UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE AND PREPARED BY PARANET ALPHA -- PARANET INFORMATION SERVICE PARANET INFORMATION SERVICE BBS PARANET ALPHA DENVER, COLORADO ======================================================== DUMAS: FEDERAL GOVERNMENT LIES, KEEPS ALIEN INFO SECRET Credit: R. Collins To the Editor: I am specifically writing because of the alleged UFO sighting that occured in Easton. Now, I will admit right up front that I would describe myself as a real hard core UFO buff. I search for UFO-related materials, and own at least one UFO pre-recorded video and many books on the subject. The subject is one that I find fascinating and I am not afraid to admit it. The recent 'incident' in Easton doesn't really surprise me and the so-called excuses that are put forward when they cannot find a miserable excuse or a conventional explanation are just pathetic. Now, as far as I know, blimps, or the more accurate technical term airships, do not often fly at night and I sincerely doubt that one would be over the geographic area of Easton, either. There are also rather few airships operating in the entire nation, which reduces the odds that it would be a 'blimp'. I do not know that some alleged UFO sightings in the American southwest, specifically Nevada, were very likely the recently revealed Lockheed F-117A stealth attack fighter bomber and not UFOs. This is a case where the government exploits the UFO issue as a cover to test secret and experimental aircraft. It is reported that the F-117A is wedge-shaped, painted black or dark indigo blue and has its engines buried inside the airframe with large air mixing exhaust nozzles that mix hot engine exhaust with cool air. The end result is a very quiet airplane that makes a kind of a low whining or buzzing sound when in flight. The geographical area of Easton isn't too far from the Danbury area and adjoining Duchess County area of New York state where there have been numerous reports of UFOs, including alleged landing sights and even reports of UFO abductions, which are technically known as close encounters of the fourth kind. The fact is that the people will never get the straight truth from the government because it has a vested interest in keeping the issue obscure and out of the mainstream of American political thought. The American people have heard every lame excuse, including the cliche' weather balloon, and in the case of Duchess County, were told of snowmobile engine powered ultralight aircraft flying in formations of various shapes and sizes. Because these aircraft don't have any running lights, and because, unlike some military aircraft, they do not have special radars and infrared equipment to allow them to fly in total darkness, this doesn't make sense either. We are simply being lied to. I could rule out that the air force is testing either the F- 117A or other experimental stealth aircraft, but keep in mind the government prefers to test such aircraft for safety and other reasons in the southwest specifically in the Nellis Airforce Base area and the Tonopah, Nev., region. Because I don't expect the federal government to reveal their secret UFO information, which everyone knows they have, I simply expect the government to tell the truth about when they are and when they aren't testing experimental aircraft, and when they really aren't sure what's out there. I am coming around to the view that the government might not be able, for good reasons, to really reveal all they know about UFOs. While it has been treated like a joke, it is also a dead serious issue. The truth of alien visitation to the Earth may just be too much for many people, especially if the recent speculations about genetic experimentation are true, and I personally believe they are. Brian P. Dumas Easton ================================================================= ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************